Staff Reports
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Amy Russ graduates from St. Olaf
Staff Reports | June 20, 2009
Amy Russ of Tofte is among 692 students who participated in St. Olaf College’s 120th commencement ceremony May 24. Congressman Erik Paulsen ’87, who represents Minnesota’s Third District in the U.S. House of Representatives, gave the address. The event capped off the college’s Celebration Weekend that included class reunions, alumni author book signings, concerts, and a variety of presentations. Amy... READ MORE >

Summer Cardio Tennis set in Grand Marais
Staff Reports | June 20, 2009
Everyone is invited to Cardio Tennis on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Cook County public tennis courts in Grand Marais. Cardio Tennis is a one-hour aerobic workout where players have an opportunity to practice hitting a variety of tennis shots, fed by teaching pros or advanced players, while moving at their own pace to some lively music. All ages and... READ MORE >

Firewood restrictions in effect
Staff Reports | June 20, 2009
The recent discovery of emerald ash borer (EAB) in a St. Paul neighborhood means that people should not pack firewood when making summer camping plans. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Commissioner Mark Holsten issued an order dealing with use of firewood on state land. Only firewood purchased at a state park or from a DNR-approved vendor may be brought... READ MORE >

Lions and Lioness Clubs celebrate Charter Night
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
On June 9, 2009, the Grand Marais Lions and Lioness Clubs celebrated “Charter Night,” a time-honored event at which they pay tribute to the club’s founding members, as well as mark their years of dedicated service to this community. The Lions Club has been in existence since 1951, and the Lioness Club since 1978. This is a night of celebration... READ MORE >

Renovation begins for new Higher Ed
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
Cook County Higher Education Director Paula Sundet announced this week that work has begun on the renovation of the former First Baptist Church building—the new campus for Cook County Higher Education (CCHE). Unfortunately, funding is not available to complete the entire project, but Sundet said Higher Ed is excited to begin the first phase of the North Shore Campus building.... READ MORE >

Alcohol server training offered
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
In July 2008, the Cook County Sheriff ‘s Department conducted an alcohol compliance check, resulting in six citations and $100 in penalties to servers and sales clerks. If you work in an establishment that sells or serves alcohol and would like to avoid such problems, training is available this month. Cook County Higher Education in collaboration with Cook County Law Enforcement and the Minnesota... READ MORE >

Garden Club greens up Grand Marais
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
After a harsh winter and cool spring, the Grand Marais Garden Club held its annual town planting on Monday, June 1. Members met at the Grand Marais municipal parking lot and planted flowers throughout the town under the guidance of master gardener Nancy Carlson, who coordinated and planned the event. Flowers will be enjoyed all summer and early fall and... READ MORE >

Learn the basics of drawing at Art Colony
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
Basic Drawing Skills will be presented by instructor Sandi Pillsbury Gredzens June 22 through 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Grand Marais Art Colony. Drawing is at the “root” of all the visual arts, said Gredzens, and it is the “purest” form of visual communication. If you have little or no experience drawing or just need a... READ MORE >

Fuse glass with the Art Colony June 26-28
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
Fused Glass Tiles: An Introduction to Glass Fusing will again be offered at the Grand Marais Art Colony by instructor Sharon Frykman on June 26 and 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and June 28 from 9 a.m. until noon. There is a tuition of $18, and a supply fee of $60. Participants will design and create two colorful... READ MORE >

Perennial sale June 20
Staff Reports | June 13, 2009
The Master Gardeners of Cook County will hold their annual Perennial Sale on Saturday, June 20, at the Cook County Farm and Craft Market located in the Senior Center parking lot in Grand Marais. The sale begins at 9:00 a.m. and lasts until everything is sold. Proceeds will be used to fund the Horticulture Library located at Cook County Extension... READ MORE >