Staff Reports

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Iron Range Resources Wage Subsidy Program

A $1 million Iron Range Resources Wage Subsidy Program which assists businesses headquartered within the Taconite Assistance Area in hiring new employees is now available through the Workforce Centers in northeast Minnesota. The program provides eligible businesses with a wage subsidy that amounts to the lesser of $5 per hour or 50 percent of an eligible employee’s wage for up... READ MORE >

Viking cross-country meet on September

The North Shore Ski and Run Club is hosting the first meet for Cook County High School, the “Viking Challenge,” a high school cross country race on the Pincushion Trails in Grand Marais on Thursday, September 3, 2009. Racing begins at 2:00 p.m. with a 2.6K race for junior high boys and girls, followed by a varsity girls’ 4K race... READ MORE >

Coloring Lions at the Fair

A new event at the 2009 Cook County Fair was the Grand Marais Lion and Lioness Coloring Contest, which was enjoyed by kids, parents, and grandparents alike. TheLion and Lioness Club set up a coloring station at the fair and kids had a choice of several different versions of lions to color. There were 36 entries, making the job very... READ MORE >

MN Vikings have Twin Ports radio home

KQDS FM has announced that it will be the “Official Twin Ports Home” of the Minnesota Vikings for the 2009 – 2010 season, broadcasting every Minnesota Vikings game on 94.9 KQDS and “TheFan” 1490. This announcement reflects the partnership of the Vikings Radio Network, “The Fan” 1490AM and 95 KQDS. The next Vikings game will be on Monday, August 31... READ MORE >

Sheriff’s Office seeks owners of 12 bikes

TheCook County Sheriff ‘s Officeis preparing to sell 12 bicycles that have been turned in to the sheriff ‘s office as “found” property. Bikes were found at various locations throughout Cook County. If you own one of the bicycles described below, contact Chief Deputy Leif Lunde at (218) 387-3030. Bike owners will be expected to provide detailed information identifying a... READ MORE >

The Wizard returns to the Playhouse

The community is invited to once again enjoy the original story of Dorothy’s adventures in Oz as she meets new friends and encounters many wonders and dangers. Thecurrent Grand Marais Playhouse production of Wizard of Oz is an updated, grand production with a cast of 40, with wonderful costumes and more special effects. The show is a treat for the... READ MORE >

North House plans annual Unplugged event

While the sunshine of summer may define the day, the colors of fall are on the horizon. With this in mind, North House is busily planning for its annual fall event under the Big Top—Unplugged: The Northern Harvest. This year the weekend event takes place Sept 25 – 27 and will feature three internationally known singer-songwriters: Dougie MacLean, Scotland’s folk... READ MORE >

Literacy Scholarship

Established in 1998, the Cook County Literacy Scholarship has awarded scholarships to over 25 graduating high school seniors and adults in the community, disbursing more than $22,500. The Literacy Scholarship is a unique program providing recognition to students who may not meet the traditional scholarship criteria of grades, class rank and financial need. Theprogram seeks to honor the success of... READ MORE >

Be a Booster Club booster!

The appropriately named Cook County Booster Club boosts the morale of local athletes by supporting their activities. The club has helped Cook County High School teams buy warm-up clothing, equipment and much more. The Booster Club also raised funds and found volunteer labor to build the beautiful black-ash trophy case in the hallway outside the high school gymnasium. The Booster... READ MORE >

School bus safety tips

Cook County teachers, administration, and community members have been meeting in recent months to create a Safe Routes to School plan. There are many things parents can do to help their child get safely to school Here are some safety tips for students, whether they walk or ride the bus to school! »»Have your children put everything they carry in... READ MORE >