Staff Reports
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DNR seeks comments on state park rules
Staff Reports | September 05, 2009
If you camp in a state park, hunt in a state forest, or bicycle in a state recreation area, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) would like to hear from you by Sept. 30. The DNR also hopes to hear from geocachers, antler collectors, and others who visit Minnesota state parks, state forests, state recreation areas, and state waysides.... READ MORE >

Bear season open
Staff Reports | September 05, 2009
Minnesota’s bear hunting season began September 1 and runs through October 18 and in accordance with Minnesota statutes, which authorize the use of bait, hunters are now stocking bait stations. Baiting is permitted, provided the bait is biodegradable and is placed no more than two weeks before the start of bear season. About three-fourths of Minnesota’s approximately 15,000 bear hunters... READ MORE >

Small game hunting opens Sept. 19
Staff Reports | September 05, 2009
Grouse, rabbit, squirrel and partridge seasons open Sept. 19, offering Minnesotans the opportunity to discover and explore more than five million acres of Minnesota’s fields and forests this fall. “Small game season is a forgotten pleasure,” said Dennis Simon, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wildlife section chief. “It doesn’t take a large investment of time and money or much... READ MORE >

Thrivent plans Sept. 14 El Salvador presentation
Staff Reports | August 27, 2009
The North Shore Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans invites Cook County residents to its chapter meeting at 5:00 p.m. Monday, September 14 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Grand Marais. Theevening will begin with dinner in the fellowship hall, followed by a short chapter meeting and a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation will be given by Oz Twedt and Wayne Hensche, both... READ MORE >

Open House at Oshki Ogimaag
Staff Reports | August 27, 2009
Oshki Ogimaag (School Of New Leaders) Charter School in Grand Portage invites families and the surrounding community to an open house and picnic on Monday, August 31 at the Grand Portage school from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. The open house is being held to give children and their parents the opportunity to meet the Oshki Ogimaag teachers— kindergarten teacher Erin... READ MORE >

North Shore photography at Cross River Heritage Center
Staff Reports | August 27, 2009
The photography of Larry and Linda Dunlap will be on display at the Cross River Heritage Center (CRHC) in Schroeder until October 3, 2009. The Dunlaps live in Northwestern Wisconsin near Pattison Park. They have been working in photography since 1968. They bring their love of Lake Superior and its many tributaries to their gallery display in the fireplace room... READ MORE >

Bush Artist Program sets information meetings
Staff Reports | August 27, 2009
The Bush Artist Program will host 11 information meetings for artists interested in applying for a Bush Artist fellowship or a Dakota Creative Connections grant. For 2010, artists may apply, depending on residency, to either or both initiatives in three categories: visual arts, media arts, and traditional and functional craft arts. Meetings in Minnesota will be held in Minneapolis on... READ MORE >

Lundie in the city
Staff Reports | August 27, 2009
The Schroeder Area Historical Society (SAHS) will be holding a fundraising tour and silent auction at the Delander House in St. Paul, MN on Sunday, Oct. 4. The large, formal Georgian style home was designed by Edwin Lundie in the late 1920s. Dale Mulfinger (cabinologist, architect and author), who has been guest speaker at the SAHS Lundie Tour of Homes... READ MORE >

Upland erosion affects water quality
Staff Reports | August 27, 2009
Erosion affects water quality, whether it occurs next to a lake, stream or wetland or in the heart of a city housing development. Erosion is the wearing-away of soils due to open areas and scarce vegetation. Erosion contains soil particles that are moved from one spot to another by water runoff. High concentrations of soil particles in water can adversely... READ MORE >

Yamaha awards $10,000 to Recreational Trail Users (CRTU)
Staff Reports | August 27, 2009
The Coalition of Recreational Trail Users (CRTU), made up of representatives from the All- Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota (ATVAM), the Amateur Riders Motorcycle Association (ARMCA), the Minnesota 4Wheel Drive Association (MN4WDA), and the Minnesota United Snowmobile Association (MNUSA), recently announced that it has received a Yamaha OHV Access Initiative Grant in the amount of $10,000. The grant will be... READ MORE >