Staff Reports

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Army deserter arrested at Grand Portage border crossing

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested a deserter from the United States Army at the Grand Portage port of entry on Aug. 24. Ryan Page of Deer Park, Texas was taken into custody by CBP officers after turning himself in upon his entry into the United States and after a check of his identification revealed that he was the... READ MORE >

Are you troubled someone’s drinking?

Twenty questions developed by Al-Anon can help family members identify whether they have been affected by a loved one’s drinking, according to Nicolette Stephens, Information Analyst for Al-Anon. "While it is easy to see what alcohol does to the drinker, it may be difficultto see its effects on those who care about the drinker," Stephens said. The 20 questions can... READ MORE >

Busy summer leads to busy fall at Care Center!

Summer went by quickly for residents at North Shore Care Center. Like everyone else, we had to work around the weather to be outdoors for picnics, luaus, live music, and other activities. Fisherman’s Picnic was a fun-filled weekend for residents with lots of family around. Fish burgers ware donated by the Larry Larsen family. Thenthere was the classy ride in... READ MORE >

Grant funds available for child care providers

Child Care Resource & Referral will be conducting a grant round for licensed day care providers, child care centers, and school age programs. There are four types of grants available: Learning Environment: The learning environment refers to the arrangement of the classroom or home setting that sets the stage for teaching and learning, including purchase of curricula, child-focused materials, toys,... READ MORE >

David Hahn offers classes at Cross River

Cross River Heritage Center will host drawing and watercolor classes with David Hahn on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 12 from noon to 4 p.m. Cost is $20 each day. Participants are asked to bring their own lunch and a #2 or 2B drawing pencil and erasure, along with a container for water, watercolors and... READ MORE >

Kids’ gardening program begins September 15

Local youths, third grade and up, are invited to join the after-school kids’ gardening program on Wednesdays from 3:15 to 5:15 p.m. at the Cook County Community Center from September 15 through October 14. There will be a sixth session to make soup for the Art Colony’s Empty Bowls event from the vegetables grown by youth this past year. The... READ MORE >

Cook County Schools open house on September 17

In what has become a back-to-school tradition, Cook County Schools (ISD 166) invites the community to an open house on Thursday, September 17 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Parents and other community members are invited to tour the campus, visit classrooms, and meet the ISD 166 teachers. Grilled hot dogs will be served on the campus lawn. This event is... READ MORE >

Remember to “move over” for safety

The Minnesota State Patrol and MNDOT recently posted signs along I35 in Duluth reminding drivers to “move over” when they are approaching emergency or maintenance vehicles doing their job along the roadways. The Move Over Law, also known as the Ted Foss law, was enacted after Minnesota State Trooper Ted Foss was killed on August 31, 2000 on I90 in... READ MORE >

Invasion of earthworms?

The hunt is on for invading earthworms in North Shore parks and wayside rests. In late August, scientists searched the forest floor for visual indicators that non-native earthworms might be having an effect on this ecosystem. In September and October, people interested in the project are invited to help collect and identify earthworms. Go to the web site at www.... READ MORE >

Bakk receives another Legislator award

State Sen. Tom Bakk, DFLCook, was presented with two 2009 Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities’ (CGMC) Legislator of Distinction Awards on Land Use and Tax Policy on July 31. Bakk was recognized for his positive impact on land use and annexation reforms guiding state tax policy, and leadership in crafting the 2009 Omnibus Tax Bill. As Senate Tax Chair, Bakk... READ MORE >