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Local nonprofits ask Minnesotans to “Give to the Max” on Nov. 17

On November 17, 2009, Minnesotans will come together for the first “Give to the Max Day” to try to raise as much money as possible for nonprofits in 24 hours. The event was created to increase giving to nonprofits across the state. All donations on Give to the Max Day will be made through, a first-of-its-kind giving Web site... READ MORE >

College Ne ws

LeeEllen (LaFavor) Minson graduated from Pinnacle Career Institute, Lawrence, Kansas, Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Business Administration. LeeEllen is a 2008 graduate of Cook County High School. She is the daughter of Jay and Laura LaFavor of Hovland.... READ MORE >

Independent Living services for Grand Marais

The Center for Independent Living of Northeastern Minnesota (CILNM) has opened a satellite office in Two Harbors. Its service area extends up the North Shore to Grand Marais. All Centers for Independent Living are private non-profit, consumer controlled organizations that provide a variety of services to people with disabilities, (cognitive, emotional, and physical), their families and the community. The core... READ MORE >

Dirt bike racers wrap up season

A number of local residents were among the top finishers in dirt bike racing in District 23, which includes the entire state of Minnesota. Cook County riders and their families spent many weekends at Echo Valley Moto Park in Brookston, MN. End of the year results showed that Lance “Boomer” Wilson took part in two races for the year in... READ MORE >

Bear and moose seasons end

The Minnesota bear and moose seasons are over for 2009 and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Assistant Wildlife Manager in Grand Marais, Dave Ingebrigtsen, provided a final count. Buck’s Hardware in Grand Marais is the only registration for moose—28 moose were registered, which according to Ingebrigtsen is about par to last year. Only bulls were hunted this year, some with... READ MORE >

Mn/DOT warns motorists to watch out for black ice

With cooler temperatures, especially in the early morning hours, the Minnesota Department of Transportation strongly urges drivers in the Arrowhead Region to be especially alert for “black ice,” which can rapidly develop during cold temperatures. Black ice is really invisible ice. It is almost totally transparent and can easily catch drivers off guard. It forms in cold weather when the... READ MORE >

Minnesota’s Coastal Program solicits 2010 projects

Minnesota’s Lake Superior Coastal Program is soliciting projects for funding for the 2010 grant cycle. Theprogram provides grants to help balance natural resource protection with the needs of coastal communities to provide places to live, work and recreate. Projects must show a direct connection with preserving, restoring or enhancing Minnesota’s coastal resources. Thecoastal area consists of portions of 31 local... READ MORE >

Community Ed sponsors basket-making classes

Baskets make wonderful Christmas gifts, and Cook County Community Education is inviting community members to learn to make their own baskets during two upcoming classes. In the first course, students will make a Penobscot Tote, a sturdy tote that serves well at the grocery store or the mall. The intermediate level class will be held Saturday, November 14, 9 a.m.... READ MORE >

Bowls sought for Empty Bowl fundraiser

TheGrand Marais Art Colony is looking for donations of artisan-crafted bowls of any medium—pottery, fiber, wood, metal or even a painting of a bowl! Bowls of all shapes and sizes will be offered at the Empty Bowls Silent Auction at this year’s Empty Bowls event on Thursday, November 12 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the First Congregational Church in... READ MORE >

Grand Marais PUC offers holiday lighting rebates

This holiday season, Grand Marais Public Utilities Commission is once again offering its electricity customers rebates up to $12 for each string or decoration of energy-efficient LED holiday lighting they purchase through the end of the year. Grand Marais PUC is promoting LED lighting because it uses up to 95 percent less electricity than regular holiday lighting and lasts for... READ MORE >