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Minnesota State Forest Recreation Guide now available

People looking for new outdoor adventures can explore the 4 million acres in Minnesota’s 58 state forests for free. Minnesota’s state forests, located across the state, can be visited with no admission fee or vehicle permit. The 2009 Minnesota State Forest Recreation Guide is now available to help plan state forest adventures. It features descriptions of the 58 state forests,... READ MORE >

Two local projects win IRR grants

Two Cook County projects are among 14 grant award winners selected by Iron Range Resources for next year’s Culture and Tourism grants. The grant program, which next year totals $100,000, supports nonprofit initiatives unique to the Taconite Assistance Area that strategically utilize cultural resources to stimulate tourism and enrich communities through artistic, heritagerelated or recreational activities. The grants also strengthen... READ MORE >

West End library volunteer needed

The Grand Marais Public Library needs a West End volunteer who can deliver books from the book drop at the Grand Marais State Bank in Tofte to the library in Grand Marais once a week. The bank has been very nice about letting West End residents return their library books to the book drop instead of bringing them all the... READ MORE >

2009 Annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count is Dec. 19

Have you ever wondered just how many black-capped chickadees have been flitting around your feeder? Have you noticed an uncommon number of common ravens on your morning hike? If you would like to help record the number of birds sharing our yards and forests, the 2009 Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC) has a wonderful opportunity for you! Both feeder watchers... READ MORE >

Arrowhead Electric a holiday donation site

Arrowhead Electric Cooperative, Inc. in Lutsen is serving as a drop-off point for the local Salvation Army’s “Merry Christmas for All” program and the Cook County Food Shelf. Arrowhead is accepting donations of new and homemade mittens, gloves, hats, neck warmers or scarves for distribution to the local Salvation Army’s “Merry Christmas to All” program. Arrowhead spokesperson Joe Buttweiler said,... READ MORE >

Delightful cast for Playhouse’s Cinderella

The Grand Marais Playhouse is preparing for its next produc t ion—Di sne y ’s Cinderella! The Arrowhead Center for the Arts is abuzz with an energetic young cast learning lines and maybe a little bit of magic with Director Sue Hennessey. Mark your calenda r—pe r formanc e dates for Cinderella are December 10 – 13. The delightful Cinderella... READ MORE >

Fiber Guild Annual Holiday Sale

Mittens, baskets, cards, jewelry, scarves, rugs…. just some of the handmade fiber items that the Northwoods Fiber Guild members have made ready for the Annual Holiday Sale and Open House at the Grand Marais Art Colony on Saturday, December 5, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. An evergreen tree decorated with handmade ornaments and a plentiful supply of treats will... READ MORE >

Holiday Market at Last Chance Gallery

Warm up with holiday refreshments and music, and find the perfect handmade gifts for the ones you love at Last Chance Gallery’s Holiday Market. The market is November 27 – 29, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. The gallery features holiday ornaments, locally made evergreen wreaths and regional fine art and crafts. On Friday the 27, a reception will... READ MORE >

Open house held for Birch Grove nature trail

Birch Grove Community School held an open house October 23 for the new nature trail system behind the Birch Grove Community Center. The nature trail conveniently connects to the outdoor classroom also located behind the center. The trail system was finished in August, complete with 10 interpretive signs. B.J. Kohlstedt, representing the Jeffers Foundation, attended the event. The foundation helped... READ MORE >

$400,000 Macalester College scholarship created for local students

Macalester College has announced the receipt of a gift to support a $400,000 scholarship endowment for students from Grand Marais or Cook County who attend the college. The children of Grand Marais residents Donald and Shirley Hewitt generously provided the funding for the scholarship fund which bears their name. The Donald and Shirley Hewitt scholarship fund was created in 2008... READ MORE >