Staff Reports

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“Give to the Max” raises $14 million for nonprofits

In just one day, more than $14 million was raised for 3,434 Minnesota nonprofits—many in Cook County—during the first Give to the Max Day on Nov. 17. More than 38,000 donors participated in the day of giving. Every donation made through—will receive a portion of a $500,000 match. “We are so thankful for the thousands of donors who helped... READ MORE >

Steenbakker on WDSE “C” is for Cookie

Have trouble keeping your hands out of the cookie jar? Then you better not watch the newest WDSE Cooks program “C” is for Cookie! Nineteen area cookie masters prepared their favorite recipes and you can see them all on “C” is for Cookie premiering Saturday, November 28 at 12:30 p.m. on PBS-eight of Duluth. Among them is Deb Steenbakker of... READ MORE >

Community Fund announces Challenge Grant

When the Grand Marais Art Colony held its very successful Empty Bowl Dinner November 12, the beautiful bowls created for the event were made possible by community volunteers—and a grant from the Cook County Community Fund. Some of the soup that filled the bowls came from vegetables grown in the WTIP Community Garden by the “Stone Soup Gardeners, a children’s... READ MORE >

Customer Service training in Cook County

An exciting—and free—customer service opportunity is being offered by Cook County Higher Education and the Cook County Events and Visitors Bureau. Participants may attend part, or all, of the two-part training offered in Lutsen and Grand Marais by Carr Hagerman and Kjersti Vick. After the training, participants will be “experts on Cook County resources as well as in authentic human... READ MORE >

North Shore hospice group offers “Light up a Life”

“Light up a Life” is a series of very special events that take place all across the country in the weeks leading to Christmas that allow us to remember the lives of friends and family. Events are organized by local hospices and are open to anyone, whether their loved one was cared for by a hospice or not. North Shore... READ MORE >

My Sister’s Place joins fight against ALS

On Sunday, December 6 from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m., My Sister’s Place restaurant in Grand Marais will be donating half of all meals served to the ALS Association of Minnesota. Restaurant owners Paul and Cara Sporn are making this offer on behalf of Tom and Kathy Bernier of Grand Marais who are riding in the Blackwoods Blizzard Tour, a three-day... READ MORE >

Learn to make stained glass

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at the art of stained glass? Here’s your chance to spend a day with Kathy Peterson as she takes you through the steps. Students will make a six-inch square Sun Catcher Snowman or Christmas Tree. They will learn to cut, grind, copper foil, and solder. The beginning stained glass class is offered... READ MORE >

Census needs thousands of people to fill jobs

The U.S. Census Bureau will hire thousands of people throughout the Kansas City Region for the six states of Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas between now and next spring. Up to a total of 35,000 people will be on staff during peak times. “This is the largest civilian mobilization of workers in the history of the United States”... READ MORE >

Locals honored at Head of the Lakes Alpine Celebration

In October, the first Head of the Lakes Alpine Celebration was held at the Spirit Mountain Recreation Center. Recognized at the event were Sue Hansen, George, Patti and Cindy Nelson and Charles Skinner Sr. A committee of 17 ski enthusiasts from the Duluth area coordinated the event which included honoring individuals who made a difference in the alpine industry as... READ MORE >

Public sightings of moose needed

Hunters and wildlife watchers are seeing fewer moose in northeastern Minnesota. A scientfic study shows higher than expected mortality of adult moose. Calf production is also lower than it has been in the past. In northwestern Minnesota moose declined from over 4,000 to fewer than 100 in less than 20 years. Could the Arrowhead Region — with over 7,000 moose... READ MORE >