Staff Reports

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Family-friendly winter event offered by library, Art Colony

The Grand Marais Art Colony and Grand Marais Public Library are partnering to offer an afternoon of winter fun for children and families on Saturday, Dec. 19, from 1-3 p.m. at the Art Colony, offering a medley of activities, including folk music and dancing with renowned regional caller Terrence Smith, a story time with winter-themed tales, and an opportunity for... READ MORE >

DNR seeks 2010 grant applications

TheMinnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced that applications are available for a number of grants. Theyinclude grants for 2010 parks and trails Legacy funds; regional parks outside the metro area; natural and scenic areas; local trail connections, federal recreation trails, regional trails outside the metro area; public boat accesses; Metro Greenways community conservation assistance; and aquatic invasive species... READ MORE >

Kinder Eggs banned from import to United States

Kinder Eggs, the chocolate treats from Germany with a tiny toy inside, are available in Canadian stores. With the holiday season upon us, U.S. Customs and Border Protection wants importers and the traveling public to know that Kinder Eggs are banned from import into the United States. Kinder Eggs are prohibited because a toy surprise hidden inside poses a choking... READ MORE >

Don’t plow snow onto roads!

Although Cook County is still waiting for the first snowstorm that warrants snow plowing, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has issued a reminder to all snow removal operators that it is unlawful to deposit snow on or next to a public highway or street. Minnesota law and many local ordinances prohibit the plowing, blowing, shoveling or otherwise placing of snow... READ MORE >

Kids Plus cards now on sale

Twenty-nine Cook County businesses have teamed up with Kids Plus to offer year-round savings at their businesses in exchange for a $15 card donation. That $15 is used in this community to support youth programs and events. All cardholders automatically become Cook County Kids Plus members. Pick up a card as a stocking stuffer at numerous locations including the Cook... READ MORE >

CCL receives federal award

TheUniversity of Minnesota Center for Changing Landscapes (CCL), which has worked to see a number of projects in Cook County come to fruition— including the cairn road signs along Highway 61—has received the Federal Highway Administration’s Environmental Excellence Award for its North Shore Scenic Byway work. In 2005, the CCL completed a comprehensive North Shore All-American Road corridor master plan... READ MORE >

Keep the holidays alcohol free

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve celebrations may make some parents feel that they can relax the usual restrictions on alcohol use for their teens. As we near the time when these events will take place, the School Community Action Team would like to remind parents and other adults that providing alcohol to someone under 21 doesn’t come cheap. Minnesota... READ MORE >

Another candidate to challenge Oberstar

Another candidate has announced that he is running against Congressman James Oberstar in the 2010 election. Darrel Trulson, of Chisago City, has announced his candidacy for the 8th Congressional District as a Republican candidate. Trulson, a resident of Chisago City, was born and raised in North Branch, Minnesota. After graduating from North Branch High School in 1978, Trulson moved to... READ MORE >

Red Kettle donations serve local community

A question that Mary Sanders, Cook County’s Salvation Army kettle-campaign coordinator, has been hearing is, “How do we donate by check if we want the gift to be used locally?” This question arises especially when the donor receives a mailed solicitation from the Salvation Army office in the Twin Cities. Theanswer is to either put the check directly in one... READ MORE >

Infected citrus fruit intercepted by Customs & Border Protection

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists at the Portal, North Dakota port of entry have intercepted citrus fruit infected with a serious plant disease. On two occasions in October, CBP agriculture specialists intercepted mandarin oranges that were infected with citrus black spot disease from travelers in vehicles arriving from Canada. The travelers were destined to Sun Belt states,... READ MORE >