Staff Reports
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WindCradle offers meditation retreat
Staff Reports | January 23, 2010
Local author, psychologist and educator Karen Lohn will lead a retreat at WindCradle around the enduring thread of connection woven across cultures and generations through natural fibers. Enlisting the metaphor of fiber, she will guide participants in developing relationship with self, one another, and the larger world. Guided meditation, interactive activities, and simple symbolic fiber projects will help weave a... READ MORE >

Record campaign for Salvation Army’s Red Kettles
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
This holiday season’s Red Kettle Campaign has set a new record for giving. Donna Gestel, volunteer treasurer of the Salvation Army’s service unit in Cook County, reports, “The kettle campaign raised $12,437, our most successful season ever!” She went on to explain that even without two very generous checks in amounts unprecedented to this local service unit, it still would... READ MORE >

Lutheran Social Service seeks adoptive parents
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
Lutheran Social Service (LSS) of Minnesota will hold an informational meeting about adoption at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21 in the Ordean Building in Duluth. Attend to learn about exciting opportunities and changes in adoption, and to discover the tools and support for families who would like a flexible, proactive adoption process. LSS can help families adopt children locally and... READ MORE >

PBS-8 seeking “B” is for beef recipes
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
Where’s the beef? Is it in your collection of favorite, family tested, tried and true recipes? If so, those are exactly the recipes PBS-8 of Duluth needs for its next WDSE Cooks cookbook coming out in March. PBS-8 asks viewers, what are your favorite recipes that call for beef? Any and all cuts of beef are welcomed, from beef soups... READ MORE >

Volks Ski Fest
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
The Volks Ski Fest, Jan. 23 -31, kicks off in Cook County on Saturday, Jan. 23 with the Volks Ski 400, a non-competitive Nordic ski event. Inspired by the European tradition of Volksmarching, which literally translated means “a sport of the people,” the Volksmarch is a vigorous walk or hike designed for first-timers or seasoned veterans. In an interesting twist... READ MORE >

Dylan Days seeks poems, short stories and one act plays for 2010 contest
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
In memory of B.J. Rolfzen, a Hibbing English teacher who passed away in 2009, and his passion for poetry and writing, the Dylan Days Creative Writing Contest is calling for short stories, poems and oneact plays from students and emerging writers for 2010. The competition will henceforth be known as the “B.J. Rolfzen Creative Writing Contest” and each year’s winners... READ MORE >

Valentine Basket
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
Just in time for a Valentine gift, Cook County Community Education and basket maker Jane Shinners are offering the opportunity to create a heart-shaped basket. Participants in the class on Wednesday, February 10 will learn to make an easy basket that is useful for holding bread or napkins—or as an accent on the wall. The class will be held in... READ MORE >

Pirates of the Carrot Bean coming ashore
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
Is healthy eating boring? Does the idea of instituting an exercise plan make you yawn? Batten down the hatches, because an upcoming production at Cook County schools may make you think again! The community is invited to a dynamic presentation of Pirates of the Carrot Bean at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26 in the Community Education gym at Cook... READ MORE >

Jill Terrill featured at Women’s Business Luncheon
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
Jill Terrill, Grand Marais business owner and entrepreneur, will present her story Threads of Success at the next Women’s Business Luncheon, Wednesday, January 27. Terrill said, “Although I’ve always loved the idea of entrepreneurship and have dabbled in it since elementary school, owning three businesses was never my vision or goal. I got here by accident, kind of.” Jill will... READ MORE >

Brian Wallace named to national ski team
Staff Reports | January 16, 2010
Brian Wallace of Woodbury is among 10 men and three women named to the World Junior Championship Team, which will compete in Nordic combined and ski jumping in Germany Jan. 25-31. Wallace is the grandson of Delores and the late Lyle Saethre of Grand Marais. His parents are Mark and Kathy Wallace. Brian competed in the national tournament in Lake... READ MORE >