Staff Reports
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Beekeeping course offered by Shakopee Sioux Community
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
A 15-week experiential, intensive beekeeping course will be offered this spring and summer by staff from Wozupi, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community’s organic garden, orchard, honey, maple syrup, and organic egg producing enterprise. Open to the public, this course will be held Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon from April through October. The course will cover all phases of beekeeping,... READ MORE >

Lake Superior College holds open house
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
Find new ways to cultivate your mind and career at Lake Superior College’s spring open house on April 19 from 3-6 p.m. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re starting fresh from high school, coming back to finish your degree, or seeking a career change. Summer session starts June 3 and fall semester starts Aug. 26. More than 60 booths will feature... READ MORE >

Library celebrates National Poetry Month, National Library Week
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
Celebrate your library in April with three events and a prize drawing! Sign up for the drawing Monday – Saturday of National Library Week beginning April 15. On Friday, April 12 the Duluth Playhouse presents Ellie the Elephant at 3:30 p.m., an original adaptation of the fable of the elephant and the blind men by Sarah Ruth Diener, best for... READ MORE >

Community Fund workshop presented April 22
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
The Cook County Community Fund (CCCF) will hold a free workshop for nonprofit staff and board members on April 22 from 9 a.m. to noon at North House Folk School. The workshop includes an overview of the fundamental roles and responsibilities of nonprofit board members, with an emphasis on working with others to execute a nonprofit organization’s mission and vision.... READ MORE >

Waterway closures to protect spawning fish
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced this week that there will be several fishing closures in Cook County during the beginning of the 2013 fishing season to protect concentrations of spawning walleye. Closures on Minnesota- Ontario waters are made in cooperation with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and affect both sides of the border. Closures apply to... READ MORE >

Soil & Water needs monitors
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
If you are interested in learning about water monitoring and using some great equipment, an opportunity is available – Cook County Soil & Water is still in need of water monitors. Volunteers are needed to fill in as substitutes and to possibly be responsible for one water body for a season. The season runs from May-September. A mandatory training will... READ MORE >

CCHS grad receives Minnesota Principals’ Association award
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
The Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association (MESPA) has recognized Nancy Lyght Antoine, principal of Bridgewater Elementary School, Northfield School District, with the 2013 MESPA Division Leadership Achievement Award. Antoine is a 1982 graduate of Cook County High School. The award honors principals whose exemplary leadership and sustained efforts have made noteworthy contributions to the operation of effective school learning programs—... READ MORE >

Learn to paint flowers at Art Colony class
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
The Beauty of Flowers is a new class offered by the Grand Marais Art Colony in which students can use watercolors or oils to capture the beauty of flowers by simplifying the complexity of their structure and communicating the essential components. Working in either medium, students will begin with the selection process and careful regard to lighting in order to... READ MORE >

Firearm safety offered by Community Ed
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
Cook County Community Education is offering Firearm Safety & Hunter Education for students who are 11 years old or older by the first day of class. Classroom sessions are Monday and Wednesday, April 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and May 1 from 3:45 to 5:30 p.m. at the Cook County Community Center. The field test will take place on Saturday,... READ MORE >

Caring for veterans program is April 24
Staff Reports | April 06, 2013
The Hospice Foundation of America’s 2013 Living With Grief program, Improving Care for Veterans Facing Illness and Death, will be held April 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Corcoran Classroom, lower level of the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic. The presentation will help endof life care providers and health and human service professionals enhance their sensitivities and understanding of veterans... READ MORE >