Staff Reports

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Forest Service planning rule roundtable to be held in Chicago

On February 24, 2010, USDA Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell announced a series of events intended to provide opportunities for public discussion on the development of a new Forest Service Land and Resource Management Planning Rule (planning rule). The Forest Service will host a national science forum, three national roundtables and nine regional roundtables— however the nearest roundtable to Cook... READ MORE >

Watercraft inspectors wanted

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources DNR) is seeking watercraft inspector interns for the upcoming boating season. Inspectors are stationed at public accesses on lakes and rivers infested with invasive species such as Eurasian watermilfoil and zebra mussels. “We’re looking for enthusiastic young adults interested in doing important environmental conservation work,” said Heidi Wolf, DNR watercraft inspection program coordinator. Watercraft... READ MORE >

Cook County tourism associations join forces

Cook County may soon be earning a bigger spot on the recreational map. With the county’s tourist businesses scrambling for a decade to keep up with the cost of doing business, Cook County’s six tourism associations have decided to pool their resources in an effort to get ahead of the game. On May 1, 2010, the newly formed Cook County... READ MORE >

DNR talks trash

For many Minnesotans there is nothing like walking on a frozen lake, carving a hole and pulling up an elusive fish from the depths below. When word gets out that there’s a good fish bite on a lake, ice anglers descend on the spot. Unfortunately, that pristine environment sometimes becomes littered with bottles, cans, cigarette butts, or worse. As the... READ MORE >

PBS-8 contest features CC HS artists

A number of Cook County High School students are among the scholars selected for an exhibition at the Kruk Gallery, Holden Fine Arts Center, University of Wisconsin- Superior. They were among the 103 best submissions in the 2010 WDSE-TV PBS-8 12th annual high school art contest. The contest theme this year was What Inspires You? Junior Will Brandenburg won first... READ MORE >

Local builder attends national meeting

Seth Williams of SDW Construction of Grand Marais recently attended the Energy Panel Structures national dealer meeting held in Las Vegas. The three-day meeting included training on the new Energy Star standards, building energy-efficient homes and other new building technologies. The meeting also included a day at the International Builders Show to view the latest in building products and services.... READ MORE >

Rick Anderson earns national certification

Rick Anderson, owner of Sweetgrass Cove Guesthouse and Bodywork Studio, has passed the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork exam and is now nationally certified in Therapeutic Massage. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) is an independent, private, non-profit organization established to set high standards of ethics and professional practice through a recognized credentialing... READ MORE >

Lioness grant to educators supports school programs

The Grand Marais Lioness Club has awarded $1,000 in support for teacher-inspired programs during the current school year. This grant was initiated by President Sandra Hyne, after reviewing the major concerns of the Lioness group in determining their support. Lioness want to commit their major efforts to support youth and youth activities. Each year, the Lioness Club looks at its... READ MORE >

Arrowhead Electric again sponsors CCHS junior on DC trip

For more than 40 years, electric cooperatives have sponsored the annual Rural Electric Youth Tour by selecting high school juniors for a trip to Washington, D.C. Participants will join more than 1,425 students from 43 states for an unforgettable week in our nation’s capital June 13-18. This is not an ordinary sight-seeing tour. We combine leadership opportunities with just plain... READ MORE >

Field Notes returns to WTIP

WTIP North Shore Community Radio is pleased to welcome back birding expert Molly Hoffman’s Field Notes. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning beginning March 11, WTIP listeners will be able to join Molly on a guided walk through the North Woods. “It’s the perfect location for a bird walk,” says Hoffman. “The Superior National Forest is part of an area... READ MORE >