Sandy Holthaus
Latest Articles:

Oh, My Mayo!
Sandy Holthaus | August 20, 2021
There has been a long debate between family and friends over which there can only be one side. Mayo, not Miracle Whip. It actually shouldn’t even be a question. One is an ingredient and the other is merely a sandwich spread. Miracle Whip does have its place in the bologna white bread lunch box sandwich of the 70’s but now... READ MORE >

Zoom with me
Sandy Holthaus | August 06, 2021
I recently met a dynamic woman living on the shore of Pleasant Lake. We started discussing how nice it was to be out and about and visiting again after the pandemic. She explained to me how the neighborhood ladies had learned to use Zoom in the last 18 months to get together over wine and appetizers “remotely”. I loved that... READ MORE >

Choose a better perspective
Sandy Holthaus | July 23, 2021
Have you ever had a day when you felt overwhelmed by everything? Too much on the to-do list? Drained by lack of self-care? If you say no, I feel you are either a saint or a fibber as I’m not one to call anyone a liar. We recently had a month-long remodel project in our home, and I just couldn’t... READ MORE >

North to Alaska!
Sandy Holthaus | July 09, 2021
I recently made my first trip to Alaska. I will say right now that it will not be my last. I loved it! We started in Anchorage visiting my cousin Justin and his family. Justin moved to Alaska about 30 years ago and never looked back. His wife Evelyn is from there and they are now raising two, amazing children... READ MORE >

Strawberry Fields
Sandy Holthaus | June 25, 2021
Two years ago, I decided that our local farmer’s market had a far better product than I could grow in my garden boxes. The farmers were experts, and I was just winging it. By the time I bought all the seeds and plants, weeded and watered, I had spent more time and money than a trip to the Saturday farmers... READ MORE >

Married forever (or 60 years!)
Sandy Holthaus | June 11, 2021
How flattered would you be if someone drove 200 miles just to meet you on a Friday afternoon? Would you fall in love and drive to Duluth on Monday morning to buy a marriage license? And would you marry that man just four days after your high school graduation? This, my friends, is the love story that has been the... READ MORE >

Summer fun!
Sandy Holthaus | May 28, 2021
Summer is almost here, and I love it! Beautiful warm weather. School is out, so kids can relax and be kids again for about 90 days. I have three children of my own, so I know the challenges of keeping young ones occupied. I like to write a column at this time of year to give some fun, inexpensive ideas... READ MORE >

Sweet casual conversations
Sandy Holthaus | May 14, 2021
Last Saturday, I went to the All-City Garage Sale. The weather was gorgeous! It was a perfect day. It was as if everyone wanted to be outside in the sunshine enjoying our “New Normal.” All these phrases that we never spoke of just over a year ago. I have to say I am surprised at how much I have missed... READ MORE >

Childhood Friendship
Sandy Holthaus | April 23, 2021
I’m going up north this week to the home of my mom and dad in Schroeder. Even though I moved 37 years ago, it still feels like I belong there. I’m going to visit one of my best friends since kindergarten. She was also the Valedictorian of my graduating class. Thirteen years of bus rides to and from school. Thirteen... READ MORE >

Our connection to each other
Sandy Holthaus | April 09, 2021
I recently heard the word Ubuntu. If you are not familiar with this term, it means “I am, because we are.” The story I read was about a group of children playing outside. A person had a beautiful basket of fruit that they placed under a tree across the meadow. They told the children that the first to race to... READ MORE >