Sandy Holthaus
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Cold, Colder, Coldest!
Sandy Holthaus | January 14, 2022
I was playing Hotter and Colder with my nephew and niece last weekend. That is where you hide something and say Hotter / Colder depending on how close they come to the item. The game is only fun if it isn’t 27 below windchill! Let me say, we played the game inside. I am amazed at how cold the weather... READ MORE >

Resolutions for a New Year
Sandy Holthaus | December 31, 2021
As I sit here in our VRBO in Decorah, Iowa writing this column we have just finished Anderson Christmas 1.0 and will be celebrating the Holthaus Christmas 2.0 in about two hours. (Cousin Christmas 3.0 has been pushed back to January.) I am understandably tired but not stressed. I guess I have learned to let things go. Easy recipes and... READ MORE >

It’s the Holiday Season – Hoop De Do!
Sandy Holthaus | December 17, 2021
I have been struggling to get into the holiday season this year. The tree is up but ornaments seem to be very slow going. Presents are bought but only a few wrapped and don’t even get me going on outdoor Christmas lights. Everything seems to take a mountain of effort. I’ve tried to remedy the situation with hours of Christmas... READ MORE >

For the Love of a Card
Sandy Holthaus | December 03, 2021
Thanksgiving is over and now looms the biggest holiday of the year. Christmas. Time for addressing beautiful cards. I recently read a Facebook post about the proper addressing of cards and the adding of the plural to names. No more APOSTROPHE…ever. If the last name ends in A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M,... READ MORE >

Oh, Baby Baby!
Sandy Holthaus | November 19, 2021
For those of you that don’t know I have committed the next two months to be a “newborn nanny” for Baby Odin. He is adorable, learning to coo, track faces, smile, and of course poop. I now spend my days completely focused on the care and happiness of another human being. It has been a while as my “baby Ben”... READ MORE >

Daylight savings gives us another hour
Sandy Holthaus | November 05, 2021
Soon daylights savings will be adding an extra hour to our week. I was thinking on an ordinary day what can I accomplish in an hour? It turns out I can do a lot if I have a time limit. Make my bed. Empty the dishwasher. Do a load of laundry. Vacuum the floor. Of course, I am running around... READ MORE >

They Must Be Dancing
Sandy Holthaus | October 15, 2021
I just returned yesterday from our annual Women’s Wellness Weekend. This has been a tradition for over 18 years. It started with a woman’s retreat at the Audubon Society Retreat Center in Sandstone. That was nice but then we decided we could organize a retreat ourselves and customize it to our liking. This year was top-notch. A five-night gathering with... READ MORE >

Burnt Chili
Sandy Holthaus | October 01, 2021
I read this story the other day from my Facebook friend Tom Palen. He is an excellent writer who lives on the North Shore in Silver Bay. You should check out his posts every Wednesday for his invaluable insights. I am sharing Burnt Chili with you with his permission. My mom, LaVonne is blessedly with me, living happily in Schroeder.... READ MORE >

My life in a fog
Sandy Holthaus | September 17, 2021
I will share this will you because you are my friend. I have been hazy lately. It’s like my brain is running in mud. If you understand this expression, then maybe we are on the same page. I try to focus, I honestly do. Information just can’t get through the fog. I blame it on several factors. I am not... READ MORE >

Sandy Holthaus | September 03, 2021
Even as a small child I liked to gather all my blankets and pillows around me and make a comfy nest. I remember making a nest behind the couch while my parents played cards with the neighbors late into the evening. I would fall asleep back there listening to the laughter and the clicks of the cards. Later my friend... READ MORE >