Sandy Holthaus
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Baby, you’re a character
Sandy Holthaus | February 27, 2010
The love of reading started for me really early, probably by the second grade. Until recently, I hadn’t realized the effect all this reading had on my life. Possibly some of it was subliminal. On close evaluation it appears that all of my children have names from characters in some of my favorite books. This realization came to me with... READ MORE >

A cup full of love
Sandy Holthaus | February 13, 2010
At Valentine’s Day, one thinks of love. In my case, I decorate our house for the season with heart-shaped soaps in the bathroom and homemade heart art projects placed around the rest of the house. I even get out the old Underwood typewriter with stationery in case anyone would like to type a little love note the old-fashioned way— without... READ MORE >

The Coldest Spot in the World
Sandy Holthaus | January 30, 2010
Yes, it’s true…. I was a Candy Striper. (That’s striper with one “p” not two.) For those of you who do not know the difference between a candy striper and a candy stripper let me tell you, one is a non-paid volunteer at a nursing home or hospital and the other is usually well paid, but mostly in ones, fives... READ MORE >

Sandy Holthaus | January 16, 2010
Have you ever wished you could smile out of both sides of your head at the same time? It would give a whole new meaning to the phrase two-faced wouldn’t it? Well, growing up, we used to do just this with our snowmen. One smiling face would look into my mom’s kitchen window and the other would smile at the... READ MORE >

Sandy Holthaus | January 02, 2010
I am often asked, “What is your favorite family tradition over the holidays?” I haven’t had an answer because I really like all Christmas traditions. The Christmas tree, the food, the music and attending church…. I just couldn’t single one out.. Until now. For me, hands down, it is the Christmas cards. I love, love, love Christmas cards. It’s the... READ MORE >

She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain When She Comes
Sandy Holthaus | July 18, 2009
This song starts out innocently enough, a visit from a friend—Yee-ha! But…if you know the rest of the story eventually you have to wear scratchy pajamas, sleep with a snoring Grandma and kill the old red rooster, chop, chop. Welcome to my world. We happen to have (had) a very mean rooster. In the yard he attacked the kids... READ MORE >

Ta ste o f Home
Sandy Holthaus | July 04, 2009
If I asked you five questions about your childhood, I bet a dollar you could answer at least four right off the top of your head. What was the name of your childhood dog? (Tiny) What street did you live on? (Cramer Road) Who was your very best friend in kindergarten? (Colleen Lamb) What was the color of the carpet... READ MORE >

Taste of Home
Sandy Holthaus | June 20, 2009
Summer is here and I am looking forward to hot summer days and planning refreshments for the kids. In my family, pop was a rare treat. Sometimes a trip to Holiday meant we could stock up on their trademark "Holiday Pop," ten cans for a dollar. These had to be opened with a key can opener and all had... READ MORE >

Taste of Home
Sandy Holthaus | June 06, 2009
Tastes Like Home columnist Sandy (Anderson) Holthaus lives on an alpaca farm in South Haven, MN with her husband, Michael, and their children Zoe, Jack and Ben. Her heart remains on the North Shore where she grew up with her parents, Ar t and LaVonne Anderson of Schroeder. She enjoys writing about her childhood and mixes memories with delicious helpings... READ MORE >