Sandy Holthaus
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Lines in the Sand
Sandy Holthaus | August 14, 2010
You’ve undoubtedly heard the figure of speech “Don’t cross the line in the sand” or in my case on the North Shore of Lake Superior “Don’t cross the line in the beach rocks.” Never was this truer than the hallways of Cook County High. CCHS was not unique as I am sure all small town high schools have their social... READ MORE >

A picnic not just for the fisherman
Sandy Holthaus | July 31, 2010
Growing up on the North Shore a highlight of the summer was, of course, the Fisherman’s Picnic. For those of us who lived in the West End it was sometimes the first chance to see our friends since the day school let out in June. And we all know eight weeks can be a lifetime in teen years. I would... READ MORE >

Love at First Sight
Sandy Holthaus | July 03, 2010
How long does it take to fall in love? Do you believe in love at first sight or does love grow over time? If so, just how much time is needed to decide if it is true love or maybe just crush? Do you ever ask yourself how your life would be different if you stayed with your first high... READ MORE >

Treat me like a child, please
Sandy Holthaus | June 19, 2010
When I was in elementary school I had a love-hate relationship with the summer months. I loved that school was out. I hated that I now couldn’t see my friends every day. I loved the warm sunshine, camping, bomb fires and s’mores. I hated the boredom, loneliness and being hot. To this day my family does not have air conditioning... READ MORE >

Dimes from Heaven
Sandy Holthaus | June 05, 2010
My cousins’ Grandma Elsie died on Monday, March 15. I give you the date for only one reason…it has been approximately two months since her death and I have received 17 reminders that she looks down on me from heaven—at least twice a week. Grandma Elsie was born on October 23, 1905. She lived to be 104 years and five... READ MORE >

Yes dear, we have a deer
Sandy Holthaus | May 22, 2010
When I was growing up in Schroeder we had a baby deer. Not the kind of deer you keep in a pen or a cage, but the kind of baby deer that decided he wanted to be our pet. He came and went as he pleased. He would run through the yard to meet my brother and me when we... READ MORE >

Forest Playground
Sandy Holthaus | May 08, 2010
When I was growing up in Schroeder there wasn’t a whole lot to do during the summer months and there was no way Mom was going to let us loaf on the couch all day watching TV. Before I became a big fan of reading, I spent lots of time outside playing in the woods that surrounded our house. These... READ MORE >

Everything you need to know about “The One”
Sandy Holthaus | April 10, 2010
My favorite brother-in-law proposed to his sweet girlfriend on St. Patrick’s Day in Ely. It wasn’t a matter of green beer goggles as apparently there are not many Irish in the town of Ely and my brother-in-law is quite German. He planned the moment with a bottle of champagne on the shoreline and the perfect view of the lake. So... READ MORE >

Sandy Holthaus | March 27, 2010
I was eight years old the summer of my first crush, and it was a big one. He was an older man. Nineteen years old. He worked at the Pure gas station at the bottom of the Cramer Road on Highway 61. My brother and I would jump on the black hose that led to a garage bell in the... READ MORE >

What is old is now new
Sandy Holthaus | March 13, 2010
We all know that fashions come and go—corduroys out, ragged jeans in, tank tops out, retro T-shirts in. I am still waiting for kerchiefs and bell-bottoms to make their comeback. You laugh, but I am guessing within the next three years or so we’ll all be touting folded bandanas on our heads and sewing fabric to the bottom of our... READ MORE >