Sandy Holthaus
Latest Articles:

I left my heart in Sweden
Sandy Holthaus | June 24, 2022
Ever since I did my DNA and found that I was 35 percent Swedish, I have wanted to visit the country. I had the opportunity in May to go for ten days. Friends moved there about two years ago to a little town outside Stockholm called Orebro. I was enchanted by the Hellmark Family, Magnus, Mary, and their two daughters,... READ MORE >

Hug a Maple Tree
Sandy Holthaus | June 03, 2022
My parents recently brought me maple sap. I was thinking of drinking it for all the nutritional health benefits but then decided I would “get back to my roots” by attempting to cook the sap into syrup. If you understand the ratio of 40 to 1, you would know what I discovered, 1.5 GALLONS of sap makes 4 OUNCES of... READ MORE >

Is it the taste or the texture? Asking for a friend
Sandy Holthaus | May 27, 2022
Are you someone who enjoys guacamole but can’t eat an avocado? Or like my dad, who LOVES ketchup on everything, even the kitchen sink, but can’t look at a tomato? I can snack on nuts all day long but don’t think of putting them in my ice cream….who does that? I wonder about these food combinations and what makes them... READ MORE >

Moms and Mentors
Sandy Holthaus | May 13, 2022
As I celebrated Mother’s Day this year, I was blessed to have my wonderful Mom and three kids be part of my “motherhood.” I choked up a little bit when my sister-in-law said, “But I’m not a mother.” That hit me hard. This beautiful person spends every weekend caring for her elderly parents. Their Mother and Daughter’s role is reversed... READ MORE >

Say Their Name
Sandy Holthaus | April 29, 2022
His name was Gary. He was the second son of Art and LaVonne and a brother to Sandy. Gary was born and raised on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Graduated Class of ’82. His legacy included five children and had he lived Gary would now have eight grandchildren. I think that would have blown his mind and he would... READ MORE >

Making memories in Texas
Sandy Holthaus | April 01, 2022
We recently spent two weeks in Texas. San Antonio to be precise with short stops in Dallas, Waco, and Austin. By we, I mean Mike, me, our niece Jaylynn and my parents, LaVonne and Art. We drove, Mike flew. I enjoy driving. Not necessarily for the scenery. I enjoy the conversations and the stops. Seeing new towns. Trying new foods.... READ MORE >

Dreams of Sweden
Sandy Holthaus | March 18, 2022
I recently planned a ten-day vacation in Orebro, Sweden to visit my friend Mary who recently moved there with her family. I bought three books; How to be Swedish: A Quick Guide to Swedishness in 55 Steps, My First Book About Sweden: A Child’s Picture Guide and Sweden Culture Smart: The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture. I was ready.... READ MORE >

We need sunshine and each other
Sandy Holthaus | March 04, 2022
I recently spent a week in North Carolina, Denver, North Carolina to be exact. When I left it was 29 below zero, 24 hours later I was on a boat touring Lake Norman in 71-degree weather. Yes friends, the 100-degree difference in 24 hours!! I was in weather heaven. I was wearing capris and flip-flops. I left my parka and... READ MORE >

What’s in your kitchen?
Sandy Holthaus | February 18, 2022
I do not always struggle with new kitchen technology but after years of arguing with the waste Keurig, I decided to trade it in for a percolator. Keurig and I often went toe to toe with either too strong coffee or too watery hot cocoa. And the K Cups were the straw that broke my back. I thought I could... READ MORE >

Food for Comfort
Sandy Holthaus | February 04, 2022
As some of my friends already know, I started volunteering at a local hospice house last year. I make dinners for the residents and staff every Monday night. I was inspired to try this by three different friends before I took the leap. Years ago, I lost a dear friend to cancer. During this time, we talked a lot about... READ MORE >