Sandy Holthaus
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2011 – A win-win year
Sandy Holthaus | January 15, 2011
2011. Who would have thought we’d be here just 11 short years after Y2K? Seems like a blink doesn’t it? If you say 2011 as two…oh…one…one… out loud it sounds a little like two…oh…won…won or win win to me. The Steve Covey definition of win-win is a situation found to be mutually beneficial and cooperative. All parties come out on... READ MORE >

Give me a (Christmas) break!
Sandy Holthaus | January 01, 2011
As I sit nibbling on spritz cookies and sipping hot chocolate, I realize it’s here. Christmas break. Eleven days of no rushing for the school bus, sorting out homework, researching data on the Internet and gathering project materials for an Egyptian Sphinx… (Don’t ask.). What in the world will we do? I know what this mom would like to do—vacation... READ MORE >

It’s high time for tea
Sandy Holthaus | December 18, 2010
As I began shopping for holiday gifts this year I thought of favorite Christmas presents I received from my parents when I was young. I still have two that I cherish. One is a Bentwood rocking chair given to me in about sixth grade and the other a bone china tea set. I was only nine. Thetea set was beautifully... READ MORE >

Minnesota nice –
Sandy Holthaus | November 20, 2010
I recently attended a Woman’s Wellness Weekend at the Audubon Retreat Center in Sandstone, MN. My cousin, my mother and my aunt from Las Vegas were there too. It was great! Relaxing and eating fresh organic cuisine for three days and two nights. I also tried for the first time yoga and Nordic walking. Both are wonderful sports. At each... READ MORE >

Put the big rocks first
Sandy Holthaus | November 06, 2010
I am sure many of you have heard the analogy about putting the big rocks first. If not, here is a brief recap of the story. An instructor was lecturing his students about time. At one point, he said, “Okay, time for a quiz.” He reached under the table and pulled out a wide-mouthed gallon jar. He then filled the... READ MORE >

Trick or Treat
Sandy Holthaus | October 23, 2010
A Girl Scout clocked my son the other night. Right in the eye. Doesn’t seem like normal GS behavior but I suppose I should mention he was wearing a Scream mask and it was on a haunted trail after dark. There was also a chain saw wielding monster somewhere in the mix. Her parents needn’t worry if she can defend... READ MORE >

Need a Weapon?
Sandy Holthaus | October 09, 2010
If said I was going to give you something that weighed 93 pounds for free what would you guess it might be? A) A week’s worth of washing. B) An average size middle school student. C) A car load of zucchini and a cookbook. I happen to have A and B in my home as we speak but I would... READ MORE >

Too many kitties!
Sandy Holthaus | September 25, 2010
My neighbor’s sweet little boy came running into the house declaring Madam Marie “laid” more kittens! As I lay laughing on the ground pulling out baby kitten after baby kitten from under her porch, I remembered my favorite riddle, let’s see if you can solve this…Theschool bus driver picked up seven little girls, each of the seven little girls had... READ MORE >

Kiss me quick – I might bite!
Sandy Holthaus | September 11, 2010
Our family spent the last few days before school on a family vacation in the south. New Orleans, Louisiana to be exact. I had visited this great city during Mardi Gras several years ago but I must admit it was kind of nice to spend some time in the French Quarter without the beads, the costumes and the thousands and... READ MORE >

I want a healthy relationship – with butter
Sandy Holthaus | August 28, 2010
Relationships are an important part of our lives as both adults and children. We want to encourage healthy bonding based on honesty and trust. Nothing artificial or fake. I am of course talking about a serious relationship with butter. When I was a child, butter was a rare treat in our house. My mom bought Blue Bonnet margarine because it... READ MORE >