Rob Perez
Latest Articles:

The True Distinction
Rob Perez | May 19, 2023
Fans and critics alike have called Beyond Reason many names but one thing they have never called Beyond Reason is: a Pulitzer Prize winning column. Yes, this week the winners for the Pulitzer’s were announced and I’m happy to report that Beyond Reason remains neither a finalist nor the winner of this year’s Pulitzer Prize in Commentary! Not winning a... READ MORE >

Prom season
Rob Perez | May 12, 2023
As the seasons change, birds sing and the sun shines. Thus, we must consider Prom. Prom, which is short for promenade, is a formal dance for seniors held in the spring. Prom is a rite of passage in that if kids can endure the hype and the letdown then, yes, kid, you’re probably ready for life. Prom: Before, During, and... READ MORE >

The Derby
Rob Perez | May 05, 2023
When I was little, I thought the Kentucky Derby was a bowler hat with a rounded crown and a narrow brim made in the Bluegrass State. No, no. The Kentucky Derby is a manned horse race. The manned part is important because that’s the thing that makes horse racing a, well, um, “sport”. Horse racing is a sport the same... READ MORE >

A Zig Zag with Zephyrus
Rob Perez | April 28, 2023
In an open, muddy field, Rob Perez joins Zephyrus who flies a kite in the brisk morning air. ROB: Zephyrus! ZEPHYRUS: My friends call me Z. R: Z, a pleasure. Z: Let’s throw caution to the wind and jump in. R: Could you introduce yourself to my readers? Z: Okay. Sure. I’m Zephyrus, god of the west wind. I bring... READ MORE >

Pack it in
Rob Perez | April 14, 2023
From time to time, Beyond Reason ponders serious questions. What is a good life? Is love stronger than hate? Why do good people like Pickleball? Enlightenment may exist not in the answer to the tough question but in pursuit of it. (It may not but it’s worth a shot.) Thus, it’s time to consider the fanny pack. The fanny pack... READ MORE >

This one’s for my Peeps
Rob Perez | April 07, 2023
Easter is approaching. For Christians, it’s a solemn and joyful time to celebrate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For many it’s the one time of year they actually go to church. It is a time for reflection, celebration, and, of course, Peeps. Peeps, as everyone already knows, is an Easter candy, a yellow marshmallow shaped like a bunny.... READ MORE >

Jabbing with Julius
Rob Perez | March 31, 2023
At a local Mediterranean restaurant, Rob enters and sees Julius Caesar, sporting a white toga, sipping wine at a booth in the back. Rob crosses to him. Rob: You must be Julius Caesar. JULIUS CAESAR: Please just call me, JC. R: Can do. Rob sits, looks around. R: Nice place. JC: I’m a big fan of the Mediterranean diet. R:... READ MORE >

What is cool?
Rob Perez | March 24, 2023
If one leads a long life, there are rites of passage in every man’s life wherein he must share the spotlight. A child’s first steps. First day at school. First time the kid tried to kill themselves by walking into the street without looking for cars. Fond memories, yes. But we don’t need Oedipus to tell us that these transitions... READ MORE >

The future is… now?
Rob Perez | March 10, 2023
Disclaimer. Everything in italics was written by ChatGPT. There’s a new toy/tool in town. It’s called ChatGPT. The “chat” part is self-explanatory and GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Got that? No? Well, neither do I. Basically ChatGPT is Artificial Intelligence or, for short, AI. The concept of AI has always been sci-fi cool, futuristic, and scary. Hal 9000 from... READ MORE >

Baseball 2.0
Rob Perez | March 03, 2023
It’s time for Spring Training. It’s like baseball season. But pre. It’s the season before the season. Hence the pre. ‘Tis the (pre) season. So, baseball is back. Literally. (Not metaphorically.) On the one hand, baseball enjoys a comfortable lead in popularity when compared to say, pickleball. On the other hand, baseball has had declining attendance, participation and, most importantly,... READ MORE >