Rob Perez, staff reporter
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Interview with a Tick
Rob Perez, staff reporter | June 11, 2021
I met Tina the Tick for a coffee and scone just off the Superior Hiking trial, deep in the woods. Tina, a black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, is also known as a deer tick. She is currently an adult. Below is a transcription of our conversation, edited for time. Rob: Thanks again for being here. Tina: Thanks for having me. It’s... READ MORE >

Gala for the Grove
Rob Perez, staff reporter | June 04, 2021
The Gala for the Grove, the tenth annual auction/fundraiser to support Birch Grove is back, launching entirely online in a safety-first form from June 5-12. “It’s my favorite fundraising event,” says Director Diane Blanchette, Birch Grove Community School. “I always leave with a sense of community that renews my resolve to keep our small school going strong.” Proceeds from the... READ MORE >

North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum now open for the season
Rob Perez, staff reporter | May 28, 2021
“We have come to fish for the herring-fish That live in this beautiful sea” V Wynken From Eugene Field in his children’s classic, Wynken, Blynken, and Nod. First opening its doors in 1996 and now old enough to be celebrating its 25th anniversary, the North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum in Tofte is officially open for the season. You can tell... READ MORE >