Kelly Senty

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Identifying negative emotions or negative thoughts about yourself or others can help start the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is shown to have multiple benefits for both emotional and physical health. An article in Counseling Today identified decreased anger, stress and depression as related to forgiving. Additional physical benefits include decreased muscle tension, headaches and stomachaches. Forgiving is not about the... READ MORE >

Communicating with your child

Providing a space and opportunity for communication is a key to building an open relationship with your child. Below are ways to foster a space and maximize your opportunity to connect and hear your child. Notice when your child is most likely to share thoughts and feelings. Is it morning, afternoons, evenings, during dinner, or in the car? Identify times... READ MORE >

Letting go of the struggle… parenting skills

At times, I have felt at ease as a parent; those times when the day seems to flow naturally, the children are happy, and child meltdowns are easily diffused. There are other times when I have felt like I lost the battle. Most recently, with my 18-month-old son in my arms, I was unable to remove my screaming 3-year-old from... READ MORE >

The Power of Play

“Mom, let’s rough and tumble” as screams erupt from my 3-year-old daughter. My son eagerly joins in the tumble and the pile of body parts sprawled across the floor. Laughter and delight pour through the house as my daughter waits in anticipation for her next attack. Play is defined by the Oxford dictionary as engaging in an activity for “enjoyment... READ MORE >


I will be the first to admit that I recently made the jump from my traditional flip phone to a smartphone. There have been some perks. I have attempted, with success, facetime. I have checked my email and I have taken pictures and videos of my children and have captured some great moments. I also know the limits that I... READ MORE >

Body scan

Take a moment to notice the physical sensations in your body. Start by focusing on the top of your head and gradually move that focus down through your forehead, jaw, cheeks, back of the head, through the neck, and ending at your shoulders. Take a nice inhale through your nose and exhale out through your mouth while continuing to focus... READ MORE >

Sleep hygiene

Sleep is an essential human need. Unfortunately, for some people, sleep can be a challenging and exhausting endeavor that leaves a person frustrated and defeated. Insomnia can come in a variety of forms including: difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep (waking frequently or difficulty returning to sleep), or waking in the early morning without falling back to sleep. Below are... READ MORE >

Embracing change

Change can be daunting, exciting, overwhelming and relieving all at once. For the graduates of Cook County High School, their lives will soon change in unpredictable ways. For the parents of those graduates, whether it is their first graduate or their last, many will feel a roller coaster of emotions. There may be fleeting moments of joy mixed with sudden... READ MORE >

The confident young woman

As a mother of a beautiful little girl, just getting her feet under her, quite literally, it is hard not to wonder what she will be like as she continues to grow up. Her exuberant demeanor portrays a self-confidence that comes naturally. She walks with her head held high and her belly out. She laughs easily and smiles from ear... READ MORE >

The morning grind

Wake up! The buzz of the alarm, the hum of the television, the beeps of text messages, the dogs barking, the family chatting, the mental “to do” list for the day and you are off: to work, to school, to daycare, to Duluth for the day. During this morning routine, many people feel rushed and frantic as the clock ticks... READ MORE >