Jennifer Carollo Fischer
Latest Articles:

Planning for a new (successful) school year
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | September 03, 2021
Administrators, teachers, parents, and students around the country are organizing their plans for back to school. This can include routines, procedures, and an overall motivation to return to some normalcy. Learning and socialization both flow smoother with a solid plan in place. Checklists, charts, schedules, and lists are all good ways to stay organized and to keep the goal of... READ MORE >

Half-Way Summer Bucket List
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | August 06, 2021
Can you believe it is just about the half-way mark for summer? If your kids are anything like mine, the battle cries of, “We are bored!” and “What are we doing today?” have started to fill the time between waking up and finishing my first cup of coffee. I always like to hold out on some tricks up my sleeve... READ MORE >

Oshki Ogimaag Teacher helps Students & Community Connect to Ojibwe Language
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | July 30, 2021
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to report on the successful past school year that Oshki Ogimaag Charter School on the Grand Portage Reservation had completed. In learning more about their mission, as stated on their school webpage, “to Preserve the Anishinaabe language and culture where Students receive daily Ojibwe language instruction”, I had the privilege of learning... READ MORE >

Stumbling upon my “Happy Place”
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | July 23, 2021
Everyone has their “happy place”- the place where you journey to in your mind (or go to) when you want to escape your normal day to day. For a few it is a childhood memory, for some a vacation destination where memories have been made, and for others a simple spot where you can visit effortlessly. It is a subjective... READ MORE >

Stopping the Slide
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | July 23, 2021
Summer is a generally a time for kids to kick back, take a break from routine and enjoy lazy days. It also, in many cases, is when learning loss- aka “The Summer Slide” can take place. Summer setbacks are nothing new regarding academics and the phenomenon has been researched by educators since the beginning of time. On average, student achievement... READ MORE >

ISD166 special board meeting: Mask Policy updated
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | July 02, 2021
All five board members, along with acting Superintendent Megan Meyers and various community members met, via zoom, on Thursday, June 24 at 5 p.m. for a Special Agenda School Board Meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the Mask Policy that was put into place via executive orders in August of 2020. Members met to maintain that clear... READ MORE >

Great Expectations School welcomes new Director Rachael Lehman
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | July 02, 2021
Jennifer Carollo Fischer The 2021-2022 school year will bring with it many positive changes. Among those will be a new leadership role after 16 years for Great Expectations School, a public charter school in Grand Marais. Rachael Lehman will be taking over for Peter James, as School Director after July 1 and is enthusiastic about her new place within the... READ MORE >

Larsen to receive Annual Scott A. Keenan Founder’s Award at Grandma’s Marathon
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | June 18, 2021
Every year in June a special race called Grandma’s Marathon is held in Duluth, Minnesota. The race first began in 1977 when a group of local runners planned a scenic road race spanning from Two Harbors to Duluth, Minnesota. There were just 150 participants that year, but race founders knew they had discovered something truly unique. Today, Grandma’s Marathon weekend... READ MORE >

Stopping the slide
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | June 18, 2021
Summer is a generally a time for kids to kick back, take a break from routine and enjoy lazy days. It also, in many cases, is when learning loss- aka “The Summer Slide” can take place. Summer setbacks are nothing new regarding academics and the phenomenon has been researched by educators since the beginning of time. On average, student achievement... READ MORE >

Great Expectations School Director Peter James to retire after 16 years
Jennifer Carollo Fischer | June 11, 2021
A few months ago, when I first began reporting on topics in education, I had the privilege of speaking with Peter James. Mr. James has been the director of Great Expectations School (GES), which opened in the fall of 2003, for the past 16 years. It is a k-8 facility that enrolls roughly 110 students and employs 26 teachers and... READ MORE >