Jane Howard
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1% tax committee ready for public presentation
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
The 1% Local Option Sales Tax Committee made up of the entire county board and representatives of other local governmental units spent almost four hours Monday, August 10, 2009 deliberating over what projects to include in the proposed tax coming to a referendum this fall. Seven projects were discussed: outdoor recreational facilities in Grand Marais, outdoor recreational facilities at Birch... READ MORE >
Noxious weeds spraying nixed
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
After considerable discussion with members of the public, the county board voted Tuesday, August 18, 2009 to deny County Engineer/Agricultural Inspector Shae Kosmalski’s request for permission to obtain quotes on spraying for noxious weeds. Kosmalski told the board she was trying to do her job as “ag” inspector, which requires that she make sure the county controls noxious weeds. Local... READ MORE >
Lodging tax income down for first half of 2009
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
Grand Marais area lodging establishments are faring much better so far this year than lodging establishments in the West End and on the Gunflint Trail, according to a quarterly report on the 3% tax assessed in the three lodging districts. Of Lutsen-Tofte Tourism Association lodging establishments that have submitted their taxes, business was down 15.6% from what it was in... READ MORE >
Cook County Schools meeting No Child Left Behind standards
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
Cook County Schools achieved Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status for the scores of its students on Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) during the 2008-09 school year. The tests are required under the federal No Child Left Behind Act and measure achievement toward the goal of 100% proficiency by 2014. Half the state’s schools achieved Adequate Yearly Progress this year, according to... READ MORE >
County drops local insurance agent
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
At the recommendation of Cook County Personnel Director Janet Simonen, the county board unanimously passed a motion July 21, 2009 to have an outside company send out requests for proposals (RFPs) for life and long-term disability insurance policies on the county’s behalf. In doing so, however, local insurance agent John McClure, who has been the county’s long-term disability policy agent... READ MORE >
Sheriff’s Office to conduct alcohol compliance checks
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
TheCook County Sheriff ‘s Officehas received a $3,600 grant from the Minnesota Institute of Public Health to conduct alcohol compliance checks between August 1, 2009 and May 15, 2010. At its Tuesday, August 18, 2009 meeting, the county board approved Sheriff Mark Falk’s request to accept the grant, provided to enforce underage drinking laws and educate alcohol retailers and community... READ MORE >
County board decides to pursue broadband stimulus grant
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
The county board met in special session Friday, August 7, 2009 to decide whether to authorize application for a federal stimulus grant that would bring high-capacity broadband Internet service to homes and businesses throughout Cook County. A consulting firm was hired in February to study the feasibility of broadband, Cook County Information Systems Director Danna MacKenzie told commissioners, but when... READ MORE >
1st and 2nd volunteers bring amazing yield to local nonprofits
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
The volunteers for 1st and 2nd Thrift Shop in Grand Marais have brought their favorite Cook County nonprofits a whopping $40,000.14 this year. Enthusiasm was high at the Senior Center Tuesday, August 18, 2009 as payouts were made to 37 different organizations during an annual celebration coffee. The time people spend volunteering for 1st and 2nd is logged. At the... READ MORE >
Retracing steps of Cook County ministers
Jane Howard | August 22, 2009
Five people walked the 19 miles from Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Grand Marais to Trinity Lutheran Church in Hovland Sunday, August 9, 2009 in honor of early Cook County pastors who years ago made the trek once a month to hold services and meet with parishioners. Some of those pastors also walked to Lutsen and Tofte as well. The ceremonial... READ MORE >
County rezoning case on its way to state Supreme Court
Jane Howard | August 15, 2009
On August 4, 2009, the county lost a court of appeals case regarding a rezoning request, but on the recommendation of the Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust (MCIT) and attorneys consulted by Cook County, the county board voted August 11 to allow the case to go to the Minnesota Supreme Court. On September 11, 2001, as planes were flying into the... READ MORE >