Jane Howard

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Gunflint Trail Historical Society gearing up for Chik-Wauk opening

The Gunflint Trail Historical Society has reached Membership Chairman Lee Zopff’s goal of 500 – with five extra members to spare. The mood at the society’s Monday, August 31, 2009 picnic at the future home of the Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center was celebratory. Committee chairs could see a light at the end of the tunnel as the museum’s July... READ MORE >

Railroads once abundant in Arrowhead region

Todd Lindahl knows a lot about railroads. He also knows a lot about the old days of logging in northeastern Minnesota, and he has been collecting information on the relationship between the logging industry and railroads for the last 40 years. Lindahl, a Two Harbors resident, was the featured speaker at the Gunflint Trail Historical Society annual picnic at the... READ MORE >

Mert Kvelland’s blueberry picking adventure

Mert Kvelland is a very determined blueberry picker. Three broken ribs and a collapsed lung didn’t stop him from picking the last of his three quarts of berries as he crept back to his car after falling backwards onto a log Saturday, August 15, 2009. Eighty-three-year-old Mert was a block or two off the Gunflint Trail near the Seagull Guard... READ MORE >

County votes to help city with pool costs

Mayor Sue Hakes, along with city councilors Jan Sivertson and Tim Kennedy and city employees Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor, and Dave Tersteeg, went before the county board Tuesday, August 24, 2009 to request funding for the Grand Marais Municipal Pool. Hakes reminded commissioners that they had told the city council March 4 they would consider helping with the pool’s annual... READ MORE >

Proposed projects for 1% tax

Nearly 70 people attended a public meeting Monday, August 24, 2009 to learn more about the seven projects considered for the proposed 1% countywide sales tax coming to a referendum this fall. The legislature approved the final language of the legislation this spring. It was first requested in 2006 as an extension of the 1% sales tax that had paid... READ MORE >

Commissioners discuss South Fowl snowmobile access

On Tuesday, August 25, 2009, county land commissioner Mary Black informed the county board of the current comment period regarding the U.S. Forest Service’s South Fowl Environmental Impact Statement. Community member Diane McDonnell told commissioners she hoped they would make a statement regarding the impact of sound from the proposed snowmobile trail re-route around the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness... READ MORE >

Schroeder wants accountability from LTTA

County Commissioner Bruce Martinson told the Schroeder town board Tuesday, August 11, 2009 that Tofte representatives had met with Lutsen-Tofte Tourism Association (LTTA) representatives the day before. The Tofte representatives “weren’t too happy with LTTA’s position,” Martinson said. LTTA has been considering moving its office from the North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum in Tofte to somewhere in Lutsen, which would... READ MORE >

County awards County Road 6 contract

At its Tuesday, August 18 meeting, the county board awarded a County Road 6 contract to the lowest bidder, KGM Contractors. Thework will include ditch repair, aggregate surfacing, bituminous surfacing and culvert replacement on the bottom .6 miles of County Road 6. KGM’s bid, $193,046.98, was 6.06% under the county engineer’s estimate. Thedecision to pave the bottom of County Road... READ MORE >

Hospital considers trends in long-term care

After listening to a Thursday, August 20, 2009 presentation from Tom Kooiman of Pope Associates, an architectural firm specializing in health and long-term care facilities and senior housing, the North Shore Hospital board voted to pursue a feasibility study on alternatives to the Care Center’s current operating model. Thestudy is expected to cost about $3,500. The trend in long-term care,... READ MORE >

County agreeable to funding request from Gunflint Fire Department

Gunflint Trail volunteer firefighter Rick Johnson asked the county board on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 to designate $50,000 from Title III Secure Rural Schools (SRS) funding for communication upgrades for the Gunflint Trail Fire Department. The department has been making numerous capital improvements over the last year, Johnson said. Since 1967, Johnson said, 16 fires of over 100 acres each... READ MORE >