Jane Howard
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Governmental entities discuss sharing facilities
Jane Howard | September 12, 2009
Sharing maintenance and community center facilities was discussed at some length at a quarterly meeting of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, City of Grand Marais, Cook County Schools, and Grand Portage Reservation Thursday, August 27, 2009 at City Hall in Grand Marias. Commissioner Fritz Sobanja reported that a study is being conducted on the feasibility of a maintenance facility... READ MORE >
City directs park board to reduce pool deficit
Jane Howard | September 12, 2009
The Grand Marais Municipal Pool brought in more revenue in the month of August than any August in the 15 years records have been kept. June, July, and August revenue was 20% higher than those months last year, and year-to-date pool revenue is up 5½% over last year. “I’d say we’ve had a pretty good summer,” said Head Lifeguard Charles... READ MORE >
County health insurance increase less than expected
Jane Howard | September 12, 2009
Cook County Personnel Director Janet Simonen brought good news to the county board Tuesday, September 8, 2009. The county budgeted for a $100,000 increase for its health insurance (what would have been about a 10% increase), but the actual increase will be only $3,000, an increase of only .3 of 1%. County employees will see no increase in their deductibles... READ MORE >
Tennis court reconstruction celebration September 19
Jane Howard | September 12, 2009
“We have a lot to celebrate,” Lee Bergstrom said at a Cook County Tennis Association (CCTA) annual meeting and dinner September 3, 2009. This year, the association is completing a quarter-million dollar tennis court reconstruction project west of Cook County High School, and that is why the association is hosting a celebration Saturday, September 19 at the new courts. Festivities... READ MORE >
Proposed land exchange debated
Jane Howard | September 05, 2009
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sought comments on proposed land exchanges at two public hearings Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at the Community Center in Grand Marais, but one hearing involved much more controversy than the other. The first hearing was short, with no one commenting after DNR Realty Program Coordinator Katherine Giel read a statement regarding the exchange.... READ MORE >
City considers biomass and business park funding
Jane Howard | September 05, 2009
How to meet financial obligations regarding Cedar Grove Business Park was the first topic discussed Friday, August 28, 2009 when members of the city council, the county board, and the Cook County-Grand Marais Economic Development Authority (EDA) met with financial consultants Carolyn Drude and Bruce Kimmel of Ehlers & Associates. Also discussed was how the city might come up with... READ MORE >
Sentence-to-Serve program brings benefits to county
Jane Howard | September 05, 2009
The Sentence-to-Serve program provided 936 hours of adult labor between April and June of this year. The estimated market value of completed projects was $13,250. Eighty-four jail days were saved by allowing offenders to work instead of sit in jail. At a cost of $52 a day to keep a prisoner in jail, the program saved the county $4,368. Juvenile... READ MORE >
North Shore Hospital votes for levy increase
Jane Howard | September 05, 2009
July brought a profit of $231,966 to Cook County North Shore Hospital, said Controller Yvonne Gennrich at the Thursday, August 20 hospital board meeting, but the year to date loss is $91,033. The numbers change as Medicare makes adjustments, so knowing ahead of time what the financial picture will be at the end of the year is almost impossible. The... READ MORE >
County prepares for possible battle against H1N1 virus
Jane Howard | September 05, 2009
At a quarterly meeting of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, City of Grand Marais, Cook County Schools, and the Grand Portage Reservation on Thursday, August 27, 2009, Cook County Emergency Management Director Jim Wiinanen talked about countywide efforts to prepare for the possibility of an onslaught of the H1N1 virus, otherwise known as the swine flu. Wiinanen said the... READ MORE >
School Board sets district goals
Jane Howard | September 05, 2009
Following up a work session with the School District 166 school board at which 2009-10 district goals were set, Superintendent Beth Schwarz recommended setting up five committees to address those goals. At the Monday, August 17 school board meeting, Schwarz said each team will consist of three community members recommended by the school board, two school board members, and three... READ MORE >