Garry Gamble
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Garry Gamble | December 02, 2017
Anyone who attended the recent “Truth-in-Taxation” meeting witnessed firsthand three-dimensional government in action. I’m not referring to a 3D 2018 proposed budget film presentation— although there appeared times when images from the bench bore striking similarities to those of a 3D motion picture that enhances the illusion of depth perception. I’m focusing my lens, literally, on 3 D’s: Disregard— disillusion—despair.... READ MORE >

The Public’s Views
Garry Gamble | November 18, 2017
Ever since George Horace Gallup began his work in the field of public opinion, inspired in part by his desire to help his mother-in-law win election as Iowa’s first female secretary of state, the Gallup Organization—which evolved from the American Institute of Public Opinion in 1935—has sought the public’s views on a number of issues including a better way of... READ MORE >

“The Golden Goose”
Garry Gamble | November 04, 2017
Did you happen to catch the October 21, 2017 Star Tribune article, “In Minnesota lake country, cabin owners shoulder a big share of property tax burden,” written by John Reinan? Reinan pretty much identified “the golden goose” when he divulged that Cook County ranks number one among Minnesota’s 87 counties when it comes to the percentage of property tax revenues... READ MORE >

“Trick or Treat”
Garry Gamble | October 28, 2017
One of the scariest days of the year is just around the corner and I’m not talking about All Hallows Eve when, according to Celtic tradition – which the bulk of Halloween traditions ultimately come from – people dressed up as a defense mechanism to ward off supernatural beings, or the souls of the dead, who supposedly roamed the earth... READ MORE >

Garry Gamble | October 21, 2017
Considered one of the 25 greatest pianists of all time, 86-year-old Austrian pianist, poet and author Alfred Brendel – largely self-taught after the age of 16 – performed with major orchestras around the globe, including 81 performances at Carnegie Hall, one of the most celebrated venues in the world located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City. Alfred certainly understood... READ MORE >

Peter & Paul
Garry Gamble | October 14, 2017
Let’s review the message that has been parroted over and over by the present county administration–and let me throw in one more “over” in an effort to be sure and represent things accurately: 1. We find ourselves stuck in this financial quagmire because past commissioners borrowed from the county’s reserve fund; monies that should have been left for us (present... READ MORE >

Garry Gamble | October 07, 2017
Dorothy Grace was a diminutive woman who lived in a well-weathered two-story farmhouse across the rural gravel road from where our children spent their early childhood. Dorothy married Stanley “Jack” Grace in 1933 at the family home in Clover Township and the two remained sweethearts until “Jack’s” passing just before Christmas in 1991. If you want to picture Dorothy and... READ MORE >

Hypothetical Scenario
Garry Gamble | September 30, 2017
If you could only choose one song to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be? I posed this question to friends and family a few years back. Leaving room for the possibility that your choice could likely change over the course of time, for me—as I thought about my response—I didn’t have to deliberate. If... READ MORE >

Garry Gamble | September 23, 2017
Ever wonder where that sizzling patty of ground beef wedged between a bun originated? While the exact origin of the hamburger may never be known with any certainty, most historians believe that it was invented by a cook who placed a Hamburg steak between two slices of bread in a small town in Texas. Others credit the founder of White... READ MORE >

Public Opinion and Government
Garry Gamble | September 16, 2017
By its very nature, the democratic process motivates citizens to form opinions on a number of issues. Almost any matter has the potential to become a public issue if a significant number of people wish to make it one. Whether public opinion is regarded as a constructive or a destructive force in a democracy, there are few politicians who are... READ MORE >