Cory Christianson
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TAILS from the TRAIL
Cory Christianson | June 27, 2009
Last week I told you that Irv Benson’s Memorial was on the 4th of July. This was not correct, it will be held on July 3rd, which is Friday, at Chippewa Inn on Saganaga Lake. Shuttle service to the island will be provided from both landings, which are County Road 81 (Moose Pond Rd) or County Road 11 (Sag Store... READ MORE >
Tails from the Trail
Cory Christianson | June 20, 2009
The turtles are making their slow-motion migration across the roads this week. They are in search of nice sandy places to lay their eggs, so be careful while driving up the Trail. I watched two of them crossing the Gunflint Trail by Sea Gull Lake yesterday. They were neck and neck for about two minutes and only made... READ MORE >
Tails from the Trail
Cory Christianson | June 13, 2009
I am sure this is not the first time it has snowed this late in the year, but I was surprised on Friday to see a miniature snowman on the railing at Trail Center. It was rumored to have been assembled on the Hungry Jack Road. (See the snowman with the weather report on page 3A). I saw some... READ MORE >
Tails from the Trail
Cory Christianson | June 06, 2009
Another week of high winds and cold temperatures are making the fishing a bit unpredictable. If you are lucky enough to time the weather correctly you could see some banner fishing days. The wind needs to come out of the same direction for a good two or three days before the fish will get stacked up. Right now they... READ MORE >