Bill Peterson
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1938 deer exclosures
Bill Peterson | March 31, 2023
During the 1930s,’40s, and early ‘50s there was considerable interest in the impact of deer browsing on tree and shrub growth. Rampant logging and numerous large wildfires earlier in the century had created nearly ideal deer habitat. Also, very mild winters during much of that time also contributed to major deer population increases. According to some old hunters, it was... READ MORE >

Moose population increases
Bill Peterson | March 17, 2023
Last year many of my columns involved moose in one way or another. This one will deal with moose population increases, but in Finland, Norway, and Sweden rather than in North America. Moose have inhabited all three countries for at least 7,000 years. Management actions have ranged from none to total protection numerous times as abundance levels varied from extreme... READ MORE >

Bill Peterson | February 17, 2023
My last column was about wetlands in general; this column will deal with only three very important wetland types which, collectively, can be called peatlands. They are fens, bogs, and swamps. Most of the information here was taken from the book I mentioned last time: Fen, Bog & Swamp by Annie Proulx. She admits she is not a scientist, but... READ MORE >

Bill Peterson | February 10, 2023
The term “wetland” encompasses a wide variety of ecological habitat types. All are extremely important to our environment, but some are highly cherished, and others are often considered undesirable wastelands. The latter have been destroyed for centuries in the name of “progress” and “the greater good.” They include much more than open water and standing water that is partially, or... READ MORE >

Monarchs, Pythons, and Wild Hogs
Bill Peterson | January 27, 2023
A number of small items came to light over the summer, so I am putting them into one column. The ecologist who has been conducting a small mammal study here since 1983 did not continue his work in 2022. He said he had the strength to do the trapping, but not to deal with the MN D.N.R. special permit people.... READ MORE >

Big Game Meat – – Part 2.
Bill Peterson | December 16, 2022
Many decades ago, I heard someone state very authoritatively that wild meat has very little, to no, food value. Apparently, it is a widespread belief, as fellow biologists from both U.S. and Canada have said that they have heard the same statement. Usually, it was said regarding the meat of deer or moose, but sometimes caribou were mentioned. How such... READ MORE >

Big Game Meat — Part 1.
Bill Peterson | December 09, 2022
A common topic among hunters is the weight of the animal they just shot. Some people can estimate weight fairly well, but most cannot, especially the weight of bear. Those who have their field dressed (all internal organs removed) animal actually weighed are often surprised that the weight is less than they expected. Of course, the next thought is usually... READ MORE >

Bats and White-Nose Syndrome
Bill Peterson | November 18, 2022
The article that mentioned bats and white-nose syndrome in the November 5, 2022, issue presented considerable information about a very serious problem facing bats in North America. At some sites 90%, or more, of wintering bats in a cave die before spring. There is no cure. A number of bat species face a very uncertain future. Hibernating bats occasionally wake... READ MORE >

Wildlife population fluctuations
Bill Peterson | July 22, 2022
Fluctuations in the abundance of wildlife populations in any given area are often a normal occurrence in nature. They may be quite minor or rather large, they may last only a few years or may last many years. Management reaction to a change can depend on why the population level changed, if the change was significant enough to be of... READ MORE >

Moose mate selection
Bill Peterson | June 24, 2022
Despite the showy antler displays and asserting of dominance over lesser bulls, the victor of a competition may not do as much of the breeding as has traditionally been thought. In moose, and in a number of other species of the deer family, female choice is an important factor. A bull’s social display can impress a cow to select that... READ MORE >