Beth Petrowske, D1 Public Affairs

Latest Articles:

Public meeting scheduled Nov. 18 for Highway 61 project through the Grand Portage Reservation

The Minnesota Department of Transportation, in collaboration with the Grand Portage Band of Chippewa, has scheduled a public meeting Monday, November 18, 2019, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the Kitchi Room, Grand Portage Lodge, 70 Casino Drive, Grand Portage, MN. 55605. The meeting will provide an opportunity to learn more about an upcoming Highway 61 improvements project scheduled... READ MORE >

Spring rain, snow melt may cause localized flooding, road closures

Spring rain, melting snow and culverts plugged with ice can cause water to back up onto highways. The Minnesota Department of Transportation wants to remind motorists to be watchful for flooded areas as water can rise quickly. MnDOT crews have already been working to thaw frozen culverts and will continue to monitor conditions. If flooding occurs, lanes or other sections... READ MORE >