Ann Marie Mershon
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Ain’t What She Used to Be
Ann Marie Mershon | October 21, 2022
I’m not suggesting I’m an old gray mare. In fact, I won’t even admit to being old. I’m oldER—73, to be exact. But the last few months have taught me some things about paying heed to my aging body. I did three canoe trips this summer, albeit short ones. One was actually a kayak trip, but five of us paddled... READ MORE >

Ban books or learn from them?
Ann Marie Mershon | September 30, 2022
What are your favorite books? My two faves are To Kill a Mockingbird and Winnie the Pooh. I’ve discussed the struggles of Scout, Jem and Atticus with thousands of students over the years and never tired of the novel’s colorful language and fundamental themes. Sadly, that incredible book is on the chopping block in many schools. Thankfully, Pooh Bear has... READ MORE >

Ann Marie Mershon | September 16, 2022
Last week a Geek Squad guy called my sister to check on the laptop they’d just repaired. She allowed him to access her computer online, but when he wanted her credit card information for additional software, she balked. Wise woman—it might have been too late. She hung up and contacted the Geek Squad directly, only to learn that this person... READ MORE >

The End?
Ann Marie Mershon | September 02, 2022
I’ve been thinking (for a change). I’m usually so busy that I don’t bother, but something my brother Dave asked me in Australia has put my Thinker in gear. He asked if I’d made plans for the end of my life. What? End of life? I hadn’t really considered it. I have a health directive, and my husband Jerry and... READ MORE >

One Small Step, at least for me
Ann Marie Mershon | August 19, 2022
I finally got my chance—last week I sat down with a woman from “The Other Side” to discuss our values, opinions, and feelings about issues we disagree on. And you know what? We had a lot more in common than I ever would have guessed. Go figure. The One Small Step Initiative, sponsored by Story Corp, has selected Grand Marais... READ MORE >

Ann Marie Mershon | August 05, 2022
I’m just finishing my fifth trip to Australia; my brother David and his family live here, and I came for my niece Laura’s wedding. You’d think I’d have things down by now, but not so. After 25+ hours en route, Laura met me at the Melbourne airport with her 7-year-old twins, Astrid and Basil. Basil sported a heavy chain necklace... READ MORE >

Moving on
Ann Marie Mershon | July 22, 2022
My friend Mike recently suggested that instead of calling ourselves old, we should call ourselves “Older.” That makes me an Older Woman. I like that, but older than what? Older than dirt? (Sorry—couldn’t resist.) I don’t feel all that old, though, even though I just celebrated my 73rd birthday. My husband Jerry is nearly 80, and he still rides his... READ MORE >

Ann Marie Mershon | July 08, 2022
What is it about creating things that’s so compelling? Last weekend I participated in a North House Folk School course and came home with a stunning new leather shoulder bag—and I made it myself! Not only that, but the process was both fascinating and fun. Now I’m hooked on yet another craft. A few years ago, I indulged in a... READ MORE >

Ann Marie Mershon | June 24, 2022
According to the Oxford Dictionary, TRUST is defined as “a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” I’ve always been trusting, sometimes a little too much so, as I believe in the basic goodness of people. I value honesty, truth, and integrity, qualities encouraged by my family and friends. Well, usually. I didn’t trust... READ MORE >

Freedom vs. Safety
Ann Marie Mershon | June 10, 2022
My apologies—right up front. I promised myself I wouldn’t be political, but I can’t remain silent. I can’t for the life of me understand why any civilian needs an assault weapon in their home. Defense against invasion? Our cabin was deluged by mice, and we defended it with plastic traps. When we were invaded by sugar ants, it seemed overkill... READ MORE >