Ann Marie Mershon
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Love those Turks
Ann Marie Mershon | February 24, 2023
I’m writing about Turkey this week, my beloved second home. While teaching there I met the kindest, warmest people I’ve ever known. They put Minnesota Nice to shame. In my memoir about those years, you must only to love them, I recounted many tales of their kindness, from the bus driver who left his passengers to walk me across an... READ MORE >

Miss Sally’s Trauma
Ann Marie Mershon | February 10, 2023
We have two dogs at our house, and they run the roost. (Blush.) Jake is thirteen, a Doberman/blue heeler mix that came into my life with Jerry. Sally, a nearly-three poodle/ cocker, is our newer addition. We love them both and try to be diplomatic about treats. Jake is highly food-motivated, and Sally doesn’t much care except when we’re out... READ MORE >

Oh, the ICE!
Ann Marie Mershon | January 27, 2023
Have we ever seen an invasion like this treacherous ice? Downtown Grand Marais has been an ice rink for weeks—in fact, much of the county has, thanks to recent mist, fog, and even rain. My friend Susan was marveling at waves on the harbor, and she went down just as her husband warned, “Be careful, it’s icy.” Yup. Another broken... READ MORE >

Got a Pea Coat?
Ann Marie Mershon | January 13, 2023
You’ve finally decided to give up the beloved Navy pea coat that’s resided in the back of your closet for years. Oh, the memories! You bought it in college, your biggest purchase besides tuition and books, and it kept you warm as you forged your windy way across campus. It’s never gone out of style, but you’ve graduated to Gore-Tex... READ MORE >

Getting to the bottom of a touchy subject
Ann Marie Mershon | December 31, 2022
I hate to be indelicate, but it’s high time that we all wipe more responsibly. Yup. I mean our bottoms. The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) recently published their annual survey on the sustainability of toilet paper brands, and it opened my eyes. (Google Issue With Tissue 2022 to check it out.) I had no idea that most of our... READ MORE >

Holiday Stress?
Ann Marie Mershon | December 16, 2022
Age has taught me a lot, and the wisdom I’ve gained helps me cope with stress. I’m more accepting of other people’s shortcomings, and perhaps I’m even more tolerant of my own (and believe me, I have them). I’m also better at seeing what truly matters. When I was younger, I let the holidays stress me out. I wrote this... READ MORE >

The two R’s
Ann Marie Mershon | December 02, 2022
I grew up with the three R’s: reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. Yup, days gone by. Those R’s continue to be a part of my daily life. Well, maybe not ‘rithmetic so much, but it comes in handy. I have a different pair of R’s that consume me these days: Routines and Rewards. They keep me on track. I get up... READ MORE >

Jobos, pronounced “Hobose”
Ann Marie Mershon | November 18, 2022
It was definitely an adventure. A Puerto Rico adventure. Jerry and I decided to visit Jobos Beach, a gorgeous surfing spot Ross introduced us to on our last trip to Puerto Rico. We settled in Uma’s open restaurant with coconut mojitos and sea bass ceviche, marveling at the skills of a dozen surfers strewn across the bay. A few teens... READ MORE >

Puerto Rico and Love
Ann Marie Mershon | November 04, 2022
I sit with my morning coffee, ensconced at a wooden table in an apartment on the beach of Aguada in Puerto Rico on the Atlantic in the western hemisphere of Planet Earth, and I marvel at our amazing world. Waves are crashing on the reef outside our open glass doors, and there are actually birds here. Tons of them: oyster... READ MORE >

What matters to you?
Ann Marie Mershon | October 28, 2022
Did you know that only four percent of American voters over 50 believe climate change is the most important issue in this election? I’m appalled. I believe it’s the most crucial issue for all of us, and it continues to worsen. I’m voting for people who will take action on the environment. The issue of most concern to older voters,... READ MORE >