Cook County News Herald

WTIP talks to Commissioner Doo-Kirk



WTIP Community Radio offers a lot of interesting programming. There’s the North Shore Morning show with the pop quiz and the Friday evening Roadhouse with Dave Tersteeg and Dick Swanson. There’s Small Change Trivia and the Monday Night Mix. But did you know that WTIP is also a great source of information about what’s happening at the Cook County Board of Commissioners? It is—our county commissioners can be heard on the North Shore Morning at 9:15 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays of each month.

The commissioners are on the air the Wednesday following the county board meeting. Coming up on July 20 is District 4 Commissioner Heidi Doo-Kirk.

Tune in to WTIP at 90.7 Grand

Marais, 90.1 Grand Portage, or 91.7

Gunflint Trail to hear what’s happening with the county board!

County commissioner meetings will soon be broadcast live on YouTube. See current meetings when they are happening or view archives at:

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