Cook County News Herald

WTIP fundraising begins July 15

North Shore community radio station WTIP begins its on air “Catch the Waves” Membership Drive on Wednesday, July 15.

Station Manager Deb Benedict said, “The drive will continue for 5.5 days to raise a minimum of $22,000 to ‘keep on surfing’ this year.”

Radio fans are invited to take part in the fun, excitement, live music in the studio, brats on the barby (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday lunchtime) and great WTIP programming all 5.5 days.

Benedict invites everyone to “be part of the fun.”

People are needed to answer the phones from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. all days to gather pledge information from new and renewing members. No experience is necessary. Snacks, salads and sweets to sustain volunteers and guests are also needed.

Contact Benedict at the radio station at (218) 387-1070 or e-mail WTIP@ for more information, or to volunteer.

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