This letter is in response to a letter written on behalf of the Gitchi-Gami Trail Association (GGTA) titled “Bridge across Fall Creek waterfall won’t impede view of waterfall”).
The letter writers acknowledge that the “Fall River waterfall is unique and beautiful.” And, yes it is accessed by a simple portage path from Highway 61 that goes in keeping with the wild wilderness character of quiet solitude that is rarely found in such close proximity to cities like Grand Marais. A bridge across the top of the waterfall supporting a 10-foot-wide paved bicycle path can in no way be able “to blend with the environment” without spoiling it.
A simple solution to the Gitchi-Gami Trail crossing Fall River is available and that is to move the bridge to the place where the Fall River currently comes out from under Highway 61. This is the request of over 700 people who signed a petition to the DNR asking them to protect the falls, a special place for generations to come, by moving the bridge to the north as described above.
At a meeting with DNR representatives from the Division of Parks and Trails from St. Paul and Two Harbors on Aug. 10 at the river, it was acknowledged by the DNR that a crossing at this location was possible. The trail segment, after crossing the river, could return to essentially the same scenic route as currently planned. Moving the bridge will in no way detract from what the GGTA expects “to be an extraordinary segment of the Gitchi-Gami State Trail from Grand Marais to Cut Face Creek.”
The DNR should have no hesitation in moving the bridge so that the interests of all parties can be accommodated.
Peter Harris, Grand Marais
Bryan Hansel, Grand Marais
Denny FitzPatrick, Grand Marais
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