Senator Grant Hauschild, representing NE Minnesota District 3, has kept his promise of delivering for his constituents. He has been the chief author of 90 Senate bills designed to help our NE Minnesota families and communities, and he has co-authored 181 bills since the legislative session began on January 3rd, 2023: a truly incredible accomplishment!
Sen. Hauschild was the chief Senate author of the bipartisan legislation that brought extended unemployment benefits to address the terrible financial situation faced by over 400 Northshore Mining families of Silver Bay; and he helped get it signed into law in less than one month. northshorejournal.co/business/gov-tim-walz-signs-senator-grant-hauschilds-proposal-to-extend-ui-benefits-for-northshore-miners-into-law/
He was chief author of the Minnesota Great Start Childcare and Early Learning Workforce Grant Program to permanently help young, struggling Minnesota families access important childcare services and support these important childcare providers with improved compensation for their critically important early childhood development work: www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/local/hauschild-aims-to-help-families-workforce-with-child-care-tax-credit
Senator Hauschild has authored and supported many important bills including the Minnesota schoolchildren’s universal breakfast and lunch providing low-income children critical, basic food security: senatedfl.mn/senator-heather-gustafsons-universal-school-meals-bill-passed-in-finance-committee/
As a healthcare professional, I am proud that he is standing tall against the greed of drug companies, ensuring that all Minnesotans can afford the medicines they need: senatedfl.mn/senator-grant-hauschild-slams-big-pharma-for-attack-ads-touts-work-to-make-prescription-drugs-more-affordable/
His vote made Minnesota a national leader in our transformation to a more affordable, reliable and clean, renewable energy economy. Minnesota industries now can out-compete in international markets with decarbonized, “green” manufacturing, creating opportunities for sustainable, beneficial, clean-energy jobs supporting our families and communities with good living wages: fresh-energy.org/minnesotas-100-clean-electricity-bill-explained?utm_ source=Google&utm_ medium=CPC&utm_ campaign=Suburban%2BClimate%2BActivists& utm_content=Site%2BLink&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxYOiBhC9ARIsANiEIfa5ngQNpWJT61S1OQdNUHHmajIJUZr4_ix7f2jz5xZkCXP4VoOywaAtZREALw_wc
Senator Hauschild has listened carefully to his constituents, and he has worked hard, with great integrity, to help them from St. Paul. We can be thankful he has chosen to give so much of his time and energy to listen and deliver for all the families and communities of NE Minnesota.
Mike Overand, Two Harbors, MN
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