The world of lumberjack sports will again converge on Grand Marais during the Fisherman’s Picnic. Join in the fun at the Grand Marais Lions’ Lumber Camp presented by Wood-Mizer and Central Boiler. During the four-day event, the lumber camp will have three exhibitions daily. Presentations will include LT40 sawmill demonstrations, a Wildfire Protection System, chopping, cross-cut sawing and stock chain sawing by professional lumberjacks, axe throwing and log rolling by world champion Jenny Atkinson. See the Fisherman’s Picnic schedule for exact times.
Saturday will be the big day with the Minnesota State Championships of log rolling and speed birling. Come out and see several professionals and world title holders along with a large group of amateurs starting at 9:00 a.m.
You will see the professional athletes competing for $2,500 in cash plus Husqvarna chainsaws for the elite mens’ and women’s winner. Come see the best of the best in world class competition right downtown Grand Marais at 3 p.m.
Saturday the lumber camp will also host the Grand Marais Lion’s Club cross-cut sawing contests sponsored by Hedstrom Lumber Company at 1:00 p.m. on the chopping and sawing stage. These fun contests are open to all spectators. You just might walk away with a great prize! Immediately following the sawing there will be a children and adult axe throwing contest. Come out and watch the exhibitions and win lots of free stuff.
The lumber camp will also have $5 all day log rolling passes for anyone who wants to give the spinning cedar a try! Of course you will get a mini lesson from a professional. Watch out, this sport is addicting! Don’t forget your camera!!
Sunday morning the Minnesota State Championships will resume with the boom run tournament. This tournament will be held on Clearwater Lake up the Gunflint Trail. See the athletes of ESPN run the most challenging log booms in the world at the Atkinson Pond. Take the Gunflint Trail 28 miles to county 66 4 miles to Clearwater Lodge. Park on the road near the lodge. It is a 10 minute walk or take the shuttle. Please save parking space for seniors.
The Fisherman’s Picnic Lumber Camp and the Minnesota State Championships is proudly presented by Wood-Mizer and Central Boiler, along with Husqvarna, Steve’s Sports, and Wildfire Protection Systems.
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