Cook County News Herald

WordPress training offered at Higher Ed

Cook County Higher Education is offering a full day of training in the use of WordPress, a free software for creating and managing websites, on Tuesday, Dec. 11.

The instructor will be Don Bremer, a dynamic rocket-scientist turned-computer-training-guru who wowed folks with his Excel training at Higher Ed in October.

The training will consist of two modules; the first is WordPress I from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants will learn to create a professional looking website. The workshop includes getting a theme, adding pages, adding pictures and video, adding text.

WordPress II will be from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Attendees will learn how to extend the website using plug-ins and widgets.

Higher Ed offers the training for the same cost and with the same instructor as is offered in Duluth—on two separate days. By taking the Higher Ed training, you save a day and the time/ expense of two round trips to Duluth.

The cost for the course is $120. Attendance is limited to the first 15 people who sign up. To participate, you must have a laptop you can bring to the training or arrange ahead of time to use a Higher Ed laptop for the day. Higher Ed had a limited number available.

To enroll in the WordPress training, email or call 218-387-3411 to receive a registration and payment form. You must be registered and have paid for the WordPress class by Tuesday, Dec. 4.

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