Cook County News Herald

Wood columns or written columns? Google prefers wood



I recently spent two full days cleaning my office. This room has been a” catch-all” for six months since my parents moved in with us. My husband said the piles were getting scary. As I write my column, I have a clean desk and room and feel highly organized. But maybe it’s too clean, as I have no inspiration for a column. I even Googled, Ideas for a Column, and guess what popped up? Houses with several different types of wood columns out front! Google was no help at all. Could it be after 400 or so columns? I have run out of ideas.

So, I started reading old columns from back in the day. One of my favorites was traveling through Europe with Mike before marriage. We always said we’d go back. This year is our 25th wedding anniversary on the first day of spring. I’m hoping for a trip to Italy to celebrate. We couldn’t get there last time due to a train strike. Our son went five years ago and came back with amazing stories, photos, and recipes. Even though I have no Italian heritage, I love all the food. Right down to the olive oil from Italy. It smells good enough to drink from a wine glass.



Lasagna is a dish I make when I have a lot of time. I found a vegetarian option at a bookstore in New York City over 30 years ago. It doesn’t trade meat for gross veggies like zucchini. The base sauce is plum tomatoes layered with a cheesy combination layered with fresh basil. Trust me; you will never miss the meat. So delicious. I like to make two other Italian recipes: Baked Spaghetti and Lemon Ricotta Pasta. You can add chicken or beef to any of these dishes, but I occasionally like a night off from meat.

I will visit New Mexico next week with my son Ben. I will try to come back refreshed and full of inspirational columns. If not, I might write about house columns in the following article!

Hugs and Peace to you,



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