We all want to live in a way that reduces warming of the planet, makes more waste biodegradable, uses less plastic and fewer resources. As we attempt to do so, I find that there is too much information available on the internet— and not enough.
For example, trying to reduce plastic waste from laundry detergent and bleach, I tried dry laundry pads from Tru-Earth. Now I read that Consumer Report’s testing shows that Tru-Earth is ineffective in washing clothes. Also, I tried a powdered bleach called Biokleen. It’s not as good as liquid bleach.
And I tried to find biodegradable tall, plastic kitchen bags. My first attempt generated some very green plastic bags that fell apart much too easily to be usable. I looked on the internet for a stronger biodegradable bag. I found lots of candidates, but little way to judge what works. One article said that many “biodegradable” bags are not so degradable. So—can we help each other with ways to live on our planet with fewer negative effects?
Consider this your invitation to share what you have learned that we can rely on in our attempts to live greener. What have you tried that works? What sources of information have you learned we can rely on?
–Is there a good solution to laundry products that use less plastic and water—and work?
–Are there sources of plastic bags of all sizes that will break down and not fall apart?
–What else can we do to use less paper? Napkins? Paper towels? Kleenex? Is the solution to use more rags that we must launder? Or?
–Are there cleaning products that put fewer harmful chemicals into the air and water?
–What ways might we buy more locally to reduce cardboard use?
If you believe in a product or information source, send that to me at: stevealdrich41@gmail.com If you will profit from the submission, do disclose that. I will gather them up and publish as many as I can.
And our world might be better off for our efforts.
More safer places: reprise
Glock pistols can hold 19 to 33 rounds. The beta c mag is 100 round capacity drum magazine. Who needs 19, 33, or 100 rounds for legitimate civilian shooting? Why do we permit the militias that attacked our capital to arm themselves with military style weapons, some of which could be converted easily to automatic weapons?
If we cannot hit an animal target with 6 or 10 bullets fired, we need to reconsider whether hunting is our sport, don’t we?
Steve Aldrich is a retired Hennepin County lawyer, judge, and mediator, serving as judge from 1997-2010. He and his wife moved here in 2016. He likes to remember that he was a Minnesota Super Family Lawyer before being elected to the bench. Now he is among the most vulnerable to viruses. Steve really enjoys doing weddings, the one thing a retired judge can do without appointment by the Chief Justice. He writes this column to learn more about his new home area and to share his learnings with others—and to indulge his curiosities. Bouquets and brickbats to the editor or stevealdrich41@gmail.com. Copyright Stephen C. Aldrich and News Herald, 2022.
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