Hunters and trappers who applied to participate in Minnesota’s first-ever wolf season can check lottery results online at to see if they were successful in the drawing.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) received more than 23,000 applications for the 6,000 available licenses. Lottery winners, who also will receive notification and wolf hunting regulations via mail, now may purchase their licenses from DNR license agents, online at or by telephone at 888-665-4236.
Participants in the early season hunt must purchase their wolf licenses by Wednesday, Oct. 24. Participants in the late hunting and trapping season, which runs Saturday, Nov. 24, to Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013, must buy their licenses by Thursday, Nov. 15.
Any licenses not sold by those dates will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to unsuccessful lottery applicants beginning Monday, Oct. 29, for the early season and at noon Monday, Nov. 19, for the late hunting and trapping season.
Minnesota assumed state management of the gray wolf after the species was removed Jan. 27 from federal protection in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Minnesota’s wolf population is estimated at about 3,000 wolves.
Additional information about wolf management is available online at www.mndnr. gov/wolves.
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