On March 22, Tuesday, 23-year-old Bradley Joseph Wilson, Jr. of Grand Marais was convicted by jury trial of felony level Stalking (Pattern of Stalking), Harassment, and Violation of Harassment Restraining Order. Twelve dedicated jurors served for a week to bring the case to resolution, including jury selection, testimony, and 13 hours of deliberation. “This is a victory on behalf of the survivor for both the Cook County Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff ’s Office,” County Attorney Molly Hicken said. “I applaud our primary witness for her bravery in coming forward and thank the professionals at the Violence Prevention Center for facilitating a report to law enforcement.” Former Cook County Deputy Jamie Green (now an officer with the Maplewood Police Department) and Deputy Ben Hallberg testified on behalf of the State. Cook County Attorney Molly Hicken prosecuted the case with help from Assistant County Attorney Jeanne Monson. Attorneys Veronica Surges and Kevin Cornwell represented the defendant.
A conviction for Stalking in the State of Minnesota carries a maximum penalty of ten years confinement and a maximum fine of $20,000. When a person is convicted of the felony offense of Stalking, the court must order an independent professional mental health assessment of the offender’s need for mental health treatment. If the assessment indicates that the offender is in need of and amenable to mental health treatment, the court includes in the sentence a requirement that the offender undergo treatment.
Offenders convicted of Stalking also are prohibited from possessing a pistol or firearm for a period of three years following the conviction. Judge Michael J. Cuzzo set Mr. Wilson’s Sentencing Hearing for April 25, 2023, at the Cook County Courthouse.
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