A celebration of renewal to dedicate the new Trail Shack as the center of the canoe tripping program at Wilderness Canoe Base will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday, June 28 on the canoe beach on Fishhook Island. The public is invited.
Pastor Jedidiah Scharmer said the celebration is the keystone of the first phase of the rebuilding, and is a celebration of renewal at Wilderness Canoe Base following the 2007 Ham Lake Fire.
The fire consumed 40 of the 60 buildings, each of them with a unique history from the base’s 50 years of operation. “Despite the devastating loss at the beginning of our season, we ran a full program that summer without one cancellation. In camp we spent the summer raking through ash and picking up nails as the first step towards restoring those building sites to their natural state,” said Scharmer.
In the summer of 2008, with the help of many friends up and down the Gunflint Trail, the rebuilding process began. “We are now on the verge of completing the first phase of our rebuilding plan, and we want to invite our friends to help us celebrate,” said Scharmer.
Visitors are asked to be at the Cove (mainland) by 9:45 a.m. for a boat ride to the islands, and are encouraged to stay for the weekend, to tour the camp and Seagull Lake, and enjoy meals and fresh baked bread.
Call (218) 388-2241 for more information.
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