It seems any time someone asks questions about “money” or questions the people who spend it, they get trampled in the press or in person.
First, on the liberal radio station WTIP then a nasty letter in the paper where some libtard was trying to kill the messenger(s).
Obviously the writer made it clear that the “survey” wasn’t written in his image and likeness so he had a fit and wanted everyone to know that.
The purpose of the survey was to find out how much people have been paying attention to local county business, their tax dollars and to ask for some opinions and suggestions. I guess that was too much to bear.
The constant timeless flow of this county creating “white elephants” to be put on the backs of taxpayers is noted in this county’s history. Recently is has been the never-ending support for the Lutsen golf course which benefits the rich resort owners greatly and the (now called) YMCA that you will be supporting forever, and most recently an almost multi-million-dollar taxpayer-funded daycare center in Grand Marais (that didn’t fly thank God).
What was most disturbing was the fact that the letter writer made an attempt to slander the name and reputation of a conservative past county commissioner.
Ninety percent of all the county’s mindless liberals live in the Grand Marais area. So it is no surprise that a conservative got squeezed out. Cook County has a totally liberal set of commissioners now. That should scare your checkbooks to death! If it doesn’t, then you deserve everything you get.
Your job as citizens is to challenge your government every day. To see that they are acting in “your” best interest, not theirs or their friends, which has been and still is happening here in this county. It is called the Good Old Boys politics.
In 15 years I’ve learned that all decisions about money and political candidates in this county are made at meetings at small tables with certain people attending.
You “the people” are not invited or included. That needs to change…
Mark Twain said it best: “Politicians and diapers need to be changed often and for the same reason.”
Lloyd Geillinger
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