Received my Arrowhead Electric (AECI) bill—$582.00! Bills for Dec., Jan., Feb. and March total $1,911.00. Holy smokes Bat Man! Anyone have Ben Brnanke’s home phone? I need an emergency federal loan for the Bank of Me!
So, I get the cash, use it for Fed’s overnight loan, and then use the interest to pay my electric bill? Yea, right! Were did I put those finance books from my Harvard MBA program?
Our monthly newsletter tells us how great and wonderful AECI is doing? You work for us? Are you coming to my house to verify the accuracy of electric meter and boiler is set correctly to Six Sigma? When pigs fly!
Patronage capital credit? When pigs fly!
Think about this interesting or peculiar idea: “Summertime is naturally when energy use is at its peak.” Someone get the seasons reversed? If someone is running their air conditioner this month please let me know – turn it off to save energy! We have natural A/C – Lake Superior. Wait for the sun to go down, then the temperature drops. Works every summer – no charge for electricity. Electricity is used for heat here in the North Woods.
My plumber said it would be $6,000 for a propane boiler, plus installation costs. Where do I get the money? Do you offer 1 percent interest loans?
Please note: heating water for boiler or hot water tank, on a BTU per BTU comparison electricity is one-third less efficient than propane. Don’t believe me, ask an engineer or visit an engineering web site and do the math. We’re told electricity is such a great value? Yea, when pigs fly!
Quarterly profits are the important factor to consider? AECI’s or ours? Oh, I forgot I don’t file quarterly statements. Greed is good!
In the near future, people will have to make the decision – heat their home or buy food. It’s already happening. The electric rate’s going to 15 cents a kilowatt and beyond in a few years. The Feds want to cut energy assistance funding.
So, do we freeze to death, move to a warmer climate, move into a tent for winter or as I have seen before, mail the house keys to the mortgage company and say bye?
Can AECI arrange for funeral and burial services? We’ve paid enough!
John Gildard
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