Cook County News Herald

What’s the difference between GOP and DFL?

Staff reports



Want to be involved in government? Curious about the election process? Don’t know which direction you lean politically? The Cook County News-
provides the following summary of the “platforms”—basically statements of beliefs—of the two major political parties, to perhaps pique your interest in one or the other.

Farmer-Labor Party
Ongoing Platform

Thefamily farm is the keystone of our society and must be preserved.

Business and Community Development:
We believe American business, properly encouraged and regulated, can bring economic prosperity to all, but if it does not, we believe government should take appropriate actions to bring about that prosperity.

Civil, Human, and Constitutional Rights:
We recognize that when the rights of any citizen are threatened, the rights of all are endangered. We therefore pledge to preserve our constitutional and civil rights.



Consumer Issues:
We believe consumers have a right to safe and reasonably priced products, fair treatment in the marketplace, and complete and accurate information about products and services.

We believe a vigorous and universally available system of public education is basic to a productive, democratic society.

We believe in safe, sustainable and secure energy sources that offer coming generations access to fuels and power.

Government Accountability to the Public:
We pledge to ensure the political rights of all citizens through fair elections and responsible government.

Health and Human Services:
We believe that all people should have the opportunity to be self-sufficient, secure and healthy. Cost-effective and adequately funded programs can help ensure these basic needs.



Labor and Employment:
We promote the American labor movement and the rights of all workers. National Security and International
We recognize the intertwined relationship between national security and international policy. We believe in a foreign policy that strives for international cooperation, supports human rights, and respects international justice. Such a policy will have the effect of restoring American leadership in world affairs and thereby greatly enhancing the security of our borders as well as the safety of our citizens at home and abroad.

Natural Resources and the Environment:
We believe in leaving the world in better condition than we found it.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention:
We advocate strong law enforcement policies combined with vigorous crime prevention programs that emphasize education, treatment and rehabilitation.

Retirement Security:
We believe all Americans have a right to a secure retirement.

Tax and Budget Policy:
We believe government budgets must be based on sound fiscal policies and fair taxation aimed at achieving economic growth, conservation of resources and full employment.

We believe that in order to prosper, all residents and businesses must have access to efficient and affordable transportation.

Veterans Affairs:
We honor and respect the men and women who have served and are serving our country. We must advocate for their physical and emotional well being, both abroad and at home, as well as their economic security. We must ensure that our military is the best trained, equipped, and supported force in the world and that the men and women of our military are ready to meet the new threats of the 21st century. Their sacrifices and those of their families must never be forgotten.

Party of

Prosperity — Controlling Taxes, Spending,
and Regulation:
Republicans believe that limited government is the best government and that free enterprise is the best path to prosperity for all Minnesotans. We support reducing taxes, spending and regulation to create business opportunities for our hardworking families and businesses.

Preserving Civil Rights:
The Republican Party, the party that abolished slavery, believes that the government should treat all of its citizens equally under the law.

Educating our Children:
Republicans believe that parents are responsible for their children’s education and that parents, teachers and local school boards can best make decisions about our children’s education.

Strengthening Families and
The Republican Party recognizes the blessings that God has bestowed on this great nation. We declare our faith in Him and ask His continued guidance as we work to preserve this government of “one Nation Under God.” We also recognize the sanctity of human life and marriage, and the central role of the traditional family in our society.

Protecting the Public’s Safety:
Republicans believe that the most fundamental function of government is to keep our property and us secure.

Strengthening the Rule of Law:
Republicans believe that our legal system has been subject to abuse in the form of frivolous lawsuits; excessive numbers of lawsuits; and lawsuits that are intended to advance a political agenda, rather than adjudicate real controversies.

Enjoying and Protecting Our Natural
The Republican Party believes that proper stewardship of our natural resources and agricultural lands will best be achieved through sound science and adherence to Constitutionally guaranteed property rights.

Making Government Smaller and
Republicans want government to be honest, efficient and responsive to concerns.

Defending America at Home and
Republicans believe that peace is best maintained by having a strong national defense, securing our own borders, and by encouraging all peoples to seek freedom, democracy and free enterprise.

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