Cook County News Herald

What about the blue collar?

Ever since the Cook County/ Grand Marais Economic Development Authority (EDA) was created the discussion has come and gone about affordable housing in this area. What’s that been, 20-25 years, or more? The recent article about building affordable homes made me shake my head.

They are still searching for land, a location…OK?

I can tell you about a parcel of land that would be perfect and it’s available and has been for some time. It has water and sewer and electric. It needs its current buildings demolished to begin a new project such as this but so what? Oh and it has additional acreage available for more homes…a second tier possibly. And, it’s surveyed and in town. The city administrator is familiar with this parcel but if you have any interest, call Mike Raymond at Red Pine Realty, he can tell you all about it

A few years ago due to frustration at the continuing lack of affordable homes for all who work here I looked at this land to purchase. Rural Development was on board at the time. They were willing to demolish the buildings and put in the infrastructure needed as long as the land was owned by the project/owner and the commitment was “affordable housing.”

Why didn’t I go through with it? I couldn’t come up with the entire purchase price at that time (reduced now). I still have interest as I think it’s a perfect location for such a community.

Jeff Brett (RIP) surveyed the land so I could figure out how many homes I could build. Thirteen 2-bedroom homes on grade was what I came up with including green space. And that does not include the additional five acres of land above it.

My goal was and should be of the EDA is to build homes for all. A starter home for some and a forever home for others. If they outgrow the home, they can sell (with deed restrictions) so someone else has an affordable home, etc. The notion that affordable is $150K to $200K is a joke.

By stating that as your goal EDA, you have just cut out the majority of the work force in the county, those who cannot afford our home market as it is. The ones who work for $10-$15 per hour and keep our businesses going. I ask that you get realistic about what affordable housing is, then hopefully, you can begin to take on this very needed project.

Affordable housing can be a reality. Everyone just needs to give a little bit.

Anna Hamilton
Grand Marais

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