Cook County News Herald

West End Garden Club to celebrate 85th anniversary

Seated, Barbara Gabler is the Chair and Ginny Storlie, standing, is the Co-chair. Photo submitted by Colleen Brennan

Seated, Barbara Gabler is the Chair and Ginny Storlie, standing, is the Co-chair. Photo submitted by Colleen Brennan

The West End Garden Club will be celebrating its 85th year anniversary of its annual Flower Show. The event will be held Saturday, July 16th from 1-5 p.m. at the Birch Grove Community Center in Tofte.

This year’s theme is Garden of Eatin’, using both flowers and vegetables in fun and creative arrangements. Dishware is being used for containers to suggest ideas for using both in tasty foods and cooking. Refreshments and live music make this a special event not to be missed! Hope to see you there!

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