I recently spent a week in North Carolina, Denver, North Carolina to be exact. When I left it was 29 below zero, 24 hours later I was on a boat touring Lake Norman in 71-degree weather. Yes friends, the 100-degree difference in 24 hours!! I was in weather heaven. I was wearing capris and flip-flops. I left my parka and mukluks at home.
As a kid, we didn’t travel in the winter but it seemed we made peace with the cold. Snowmobiling on weekends. Ice skating at Taconite Harbor. (The warming house smelled like wet feet.) Chopping icicles from the eves of the house to make homemade ice cream. And hauling wood…. lots of wood that we spent the fall cutting and chopping and piling. I don’t remember hating winter as much then. Lots of evenings were spent with neighbors playing cards and the house was full of noise and people. Now the winter is long and quiet. Evenings are binge-watching television and cuddling with the dogs.
It’s as if a getaway is a necessity to regain contact with the outside world. We are meant to be social creatures. I know we are afraid of getting sick or unknowingly exposing others but to see people face to face, break bread, and have human contact is also a need we cannot deny.
Start doing things that make you happy. Buy the candle, eat the cake, have coffee with a friend. I’m giving you three of my favorite recipes from this trip. Lots of flavor and comfort. The memories I made in visiting North Carolina I will always have. It’s better than any television I could have watched. I am urging you to get back out there my friends. Enjoy your life. And if you can, let the thought of warmer weather get you through. Hugs and Peace, Sandy
“May sunshine surround you each new day. And may smiles and love never be far away.” ~ Catherine Pulsifer
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