Cook County News Herald

Water monitoring volunteers needed

Are you interested in getting outside and volunteering this summer? There are opportunities to go and play in water while doing some science in Cook County. All volunteers will be trained in the spring 2013. Cook County Soil & Water is not asking for a commitment, but would like to hear from you if you are interested.

Soil & Water is looking at the following for a monitoring schedule and locations: Lakes: May-September – once a month

Possible Lakes: Ball Club, Boulder, Cascade, Christine, Devilfish, East Twin, Homer, Lichen, White Pine, Clearwater, Esther and Little Cascade. Streams: May-September, three times a month, except for May. Brule River at Highway 61 bridge; Cascade River at Highway 61 bridge; Devil Track River at Highway 61 bridge; Flute Reed River at Highway 61 bridge; Kadunce River at Highway 61 bridge; and Kimball Creek at Highway 61 bridge.

In 2014, lake monitoring will begin at the end of the trail, if awarded a grant, so if these water bodies don’t look like they would work out for you, there may be other opportunities then. Please call Ilena Berg at (218) 387-3648 for more information.

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