Cook County News Herald

Using your noodle



One of my daughter Zoe’s favorite cartoons was PB and Otter. Whenever they had a problem to solve the otters would do a “Noodle Dance” to “use their noodles” (i.e., brains). Many times over the years I have had the Noodle Song pop into my head. I think we all will suffer in the future from the lack of us “using our noodles.” Recently I have had two glaring examples of people who don’t know the “noodle dance.”

I went to a local fast food restaurant and my order came to $11.21. I gave the clerk a $20 bill, a $1 bill and 26 cents. Quick addition: The total was $21.26 and the change due was a $10.00 bill and a nickel.

I was told I gave too much money. I said I know but I wanted to avoid ones and pennies. I was told that he still needed to give me ones and pennies and my change back. Why? Because he couldn’t figure out how to make change for $11.21 out of $21.26.



I’ll admit that I have years of experience making change at my cashier job at Lamb’s while I was in high school but we as a society have to know how to “count” without the use of cell phones and calculators. In other words…use your noodle!

I was buying dog food the other day when I noticed the store also sold my favorite pickles. (Knaus Sweet Horseradish in case anyone is looking for Sandy Christmas gift ideas…hint hint.)

The cashier said my order came to $127.99! Whoa…those pickles are good but seriously? I said I think that might not be right. The cashier just blinked at me like I’d grown an extra head. I said again how can a bag of dog food at $40 and a jar of pickles be $127.99. That just doesn’t add up.

He looked at the receipt and said, “Yup those pickles are $85.” Hmmm…I said does that seem probable to you? Again a blank stare as if it seemed perfectly reasonable that a jar of pickles would be $85.00 just because his computer said so…seriously?

Instead of reasonably assuming that the computer had an error in coding he thought the pickles should be $85. Please, please sir I am begging you…use your noodle!

So in my rant I am asking that we all start to “use our noodles.” Play more cards, heck teach your kids to play black jack if it encourages them to count money and make change. Make recipes, measuring is a great way to learn fractions and counting. Don’t just make a single recipe, double it and figure out the measurements. Tell time, using a real clock with hands and minutes and for goodness sake if a cashier tries to charge you $85 for pickles…question the computer!

You have brains in your head. You have
feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself
in any direction you choose.
Dr. Seuss

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