Is your home in need of repairs? USDA Rural Development may be able to help.
The agency has approximately $270,000 in grants available statewide for very low income homeowners for home repair to correct or remove existing health, safety, sanitary and accessibility issues. Grants up to $7,500 may be available to eligible households. The program is available to homeowners living in communities of fewer than 20,000.
To be eligible for a grant, applicants must own a home, be 62 years of age or older, meet appropriate citizenship status, not have excess assets or the ability to afford a loan, and must have appropriate legal capacity.
A home repair program is also available to qualified very low income households in an amount up to $20,000 repayable over 20 years ata1percentinterestrate.Applicantsdonot need to be 62 years old in order to qualify for the loan program but must meet all other eligibility requirements and have a household budget that supports the loan payment. Available loan funds are limited.
Examples of home repairs include replacing siding, installing new windows, a new furnace, roof shingles, wells, septic systems, removing health or safety hazards, and connecting to city water or sewer services.
For more information contact the Virginia Rural Development office at (218) 741-3929, extension 4.
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